Patrick William Kavanagh

Patrick William Kavanagh Poems

Sitting at the bus stop all alone, acting busy, toying with my mobile phone,
No mail, no texts, just playing games, and just pretending I don't feel alone.
A smile from you would mean so much, - but I can't catch your eye,
I think you're lonely just like me, - I smile at you, but you can't see.

When First we met, all I had left, was ashes in my hand,
You touched me deeply, in a way, that I may never truly understand.
Heart to heart and mind to mind, as if our very souls were joined,
It seemed that long before we met, our fates already intertwined.

What a charming couple, almost regal as they walked into the crowded room,
Unaware, the merry drunken group just seemed to leave a quiet space around them as they moved.
I couldn't help but stare, a little rude, but still their ageless beauty held me in its sway,
They caught my eye, and even when I tried,

I gaze out at the frosty winter scene from my little bubble of warmth,
The golden tint of morning touches skies of baby blue, framing trees and bushes wrapped in winter-white.
In my mind I see the faeries dance and fly amongst the trees,
A prayer that masquerades as song, is softly playing, and I fee

The Lord and Lady glide about the forest, as the softly sighing leaves are whispering in the silver light.
The dwellers of the woods are quiet and still, and dark eyes gaze upon the scene entranced,
No man, nor beast would dare disturb the ritual of this night.
Above, the Goddess lights her emissaries, as the moon and earth enjoin in Sacred Dance.

Why does sadness overtake me when there is so much cause for joy,
And how can I be joyful in a world that is so filled with tears,
Do I close my eyes to all the pain and deprivation, just walk quickly by,
Can I be deaf to the wailing of the children of the world,

I think of childish prayers, and all the silly promises I tried to keep.
Looking back on all the dreams I had, and how I thought my life would be.
How could I have ever realised the journey, stretching far ahead,
That, up to this quiet winter evening,

The Barn burned well I thought,
watching from my Eyrie in the trees,
Timbers cut by my own hand,
the hard-wood roofing tiles from many lands,

What is a poet, or a writer, or a shaman, or a priest,
Are we the bringers of good tidings, or the spectres at the feast.
Or, are we those who simply Will not drown, Despite the words and images that flood into our minds,
Bursting out like some huge, and boiling, bubbling spring,

A single, long-stemmed rose,
petals falling, drops of blood on fresh white snow
crushed by a careless hand.

A kiss is bitter-sweet.
Lips touching,
tender feelings, hearts that miss a beat,
But underneath the chasm waits,

Please don't lie so still, so silent and so cold,
I told you love was just a game to pass the lonely times,
We laughed and played and hugged and kissed, and made up silly rhymes
We built a world of smoke and dreams and moonlit walks,

The gentle beating of you silken wings,
Calms my mind and lets my spirit soar,
It takes me to a place of never-ending spring,
Where Beauty Shines like Golden Light.

The first time we met, was just the sweetest time,
Eyers locked in naked glances,
Both prepared to take our chances,
Heart to heart and mind to mind,


May angels watch you as you sleep,
The gentle beating of their wings caress your happy dreams.
May you grow up strong and proud and find the path that leads you to your deepest wish,
and may that wish be all that it can be, and all it ever seemed.

The scratching on the kitchen door, the tapping on the window pane,
The sound of scuffling in the yard, The footsteps running down the lane,
It must be children at their pranks, you close your book and smile and shake your head,
It's almost midnight, time to snuff the candle out and rest your weary head.

I watch them fly,
Biting wind brings streaming tears to red-rimmed eyes,
Air so cold, it creeps into the bones and chills the very soul,
Where will they go,

Poppies with their flowers of bloody hue,
Ancient roses, red and fragrant, laced with sparkling dew,
Lilies, tall and stately, with their funeral pall,
Daffodils, so bright and gay and violets with their vibrant blue,

He stands there now, a distant figure,
grey fur blending with the evening gloom.
I stand here by my cabin window, just as still as he,
and wonder if he sees me too, despite the darkness of the room.

What a web the little folk can weave,
For when this weary life has grown too glum.
The faeries help us leave help us leave,
to find a land where sorrow has no sway.
Wearily I sat in mournful mood, in the quiet garden, where for so long the ancient pergola had stood.

The Best Poem Of Patrick William Kavanagh

A Close Encounter

Sitting at the bus stop all alone, acting busy, toying with my mobile phone,
No mail, no texts, just playing games, and just pretending I don't feel alone.
A smile from you would mean so much, - but I can't catch your eye,
I think you're lonely just like me, - I smile at you, but you can't see.
The lonely moments ticking by, I see my chance is slipping by,
I realise that you will never look my way,
And fear's the reason why.

My smile dies in the frozen wastes between our hearts,
A friendship that will never be, A love that could have grown from such a simple start,
lies trampled on the dusty ground between our feet.
It's ghost will haunt that tiny space where we will never meet.
The world remains a poorer place, a colder place to be,
So close, so close, but we will never meet,
And there will never ever be a you and me.

Please turn and look my way, then I can smile and say hello.
Why should we walk a lonely path, - two people with no place to go,
Why live a life of emptiness and quiet despair,
when I am here, so close that I can smell the fragrance of your hair.
So close that I can almost touch your hand,
A breath away, and yet the void between us is so vast.
And yet a single smile could turn our barren worlds into a promised land.
I take a sharp, deep breath and say “hello”,
Who knows, this chance could be my very last.

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