78. She Is Thirty, I’m Sixty Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

78. She Is Thirty, I’m Sixty

She is thirty, I’m sixty,
A world of thirty is between us;
She is a just blossoming flower,
I’m the withering dried fruit.

She is sweet, golden nectar,
I’m hard, fibrous to taste;
She is luscious, lustrous to sight,
I’m dull, dark shadow of the past.

She is sparkling golden sunshine,
I’m the dusk of the setting sun;
She is full bloom, she is full moon,
I’m the disk of shriveling new moon.

She is pure gold, I’m mere steel,
How thirty and sixty can ever match?
She is live flame, I’m dying flame,
How twain can meet in the same hearth?

Thirty and thirty do make sixty,
But sixty can never add to thirty;
But strange are the ways of cosmic maths,
Thirty and sixty here add to thirty.

She steered herself thro’ the space of age
And docked her ship to my dying module;
She gave me boost, injected fuels,
I took off to new worlds on her promise.

A subtle long chord across the age
Bound us tight to intimate bond,
Like milk and honey, we dissolved there
To fulsome broth of love and solace.

No discords we found, no disconcerts,
No mismatch anywhere because of age;
Like fragrance to blossoms, lyrics to music,
We matched the other in our soul and body.

She yearned for me, I longed for her,
But barriers of age did set us apart;
We waited in patience for opportune break
While bonded inseparably in soul and mind.

While slow though steady is nature’s process,
We fell and rose in time’s uneven tides
And hopes and distresses seized in turns;
But we bore all assaults for each other’s sake.

She is thirty, I’m sixty,
A world of thirty is between us;
But strange are the ways of cosmic maths,
Thirty and sixty here add to thirty.

I whispered, she must seek reason
And abandon sixty for the rhyme of thirty:
Thirty and thirty do make sixty,
But sixty can never add to thirty.

She frowned at those discreet thoughts,
Derisively disowned all I said;
Thirty and sixty are for normal worlds,
We, she said, far transcend normal world.

I happily moved on her delicious stream,
Sixty does adding to thirty in souls;
We were conjoined in dreams and spirit,
But, alas, in worlds, as far as ever we were

As time stretched, patience wore,
Impatient we were to meet and conjoin;
Nothing comes out of nothing in this world,
Decided we to take bull by its horns.

Destiny favors those dare to do,
And we decided to dare and resolutely do;
Opportune break we saw while we met
In most inviting sweet solitude.

I yearned to absorb her and hide in soul,
She longed to enthrone me in her soul;
We stretched arms to encircle the other,
Our souls, minds, bodies inseparably fused.

We grew to one, penetrating the other,
Immeasurable joy enwrapping our souls;
We heaved in joy, shrieked in pleasures
In divine fold of most desired one.

So absorbed in the other, we lost our counts,
No heaven or hell bothered any more;
We found our goal, we found fulfillment,
What is next ever never important to us.

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