A Best Way To Reach God! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Best Way To Reach God!

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Sufferings of man make him seek the grace of God;
Silent sad music of world makes it too much to bear;
To relieve from world life man desires to reach God;
Without knowledge could it be possible to reach God?

Usual knowledge helps only for survival in the world;
True knowledge comes of knowing Self, world, Nature;
Meditation and mysticism help to know and realize God;
Spiritual pursuit lies in true knowledge and stable living.

Desire, commitment, ambition, attachment strain much;
Competition increases anxiety and excitement to wreck;
All the efforts are crippled by govt. machinery and quota;
The finish of mission is left to fate decided by God only!

Surrender to God to have relief and liberation ends strife;
But without devotion mere knowledge of God won’t help,
That is, converging involvement of heart, mind and soul
In pursuit of God only finally helps one get free of all knots!

Shakuntala Sharma 16 September 2009

' Convreging involvement of mind, heart and soul... ' requires a lot of sadhana and pursuit of real knowledge and Guru's grace too

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Bob Blackwell 30 July 2009

Your message in this poem is true, to reach God we must practice being still. An enjoyable and well written read. Thank you Bob Blackwell

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lovely sir...your last para sums up all...very well told

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Ramesh T A 17 July 2009

Nice explanation about the existence of God, Lu Smythe. I do believe in God present in all and in everything everywhere activating all! God is present in mother's love! God is present in the heart, mind, soul, wind, light, current, Nature, food, etc. We have to feel to know the presence of God in all! Thanks for your kind comment!

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Lu Smythe 17 July 2009

Do you believe in God? I do, but I have told you: I consider as God the Nature! Nature has the power; nature gives the pulse into the things. Everything has its own pulse. The heart, the wind, the wave, the grass... Even the stone has its own pulse: The standstill, the silence... Sometimes, life grows onto the stone. Don’t you see in the cliffs, on the rock. Where small trees are growing? But where does love grow? Doesn’t it grow in the cliffs?

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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