A Childhood Rumination Poem by johnny case

A Childhood Rumination

A creek crossed underneath our every Saturday
Fairgrounds dirt road to the stage show we
Played yet I'd have loved simply to explore
The ditch below the tiny bridge (is the creek bed
Wholly dry or does a sliver trickle thru its core?)
To amble along inside the water-vacated channel
For the feel or sense this absence as a temporary
State (a note: gone to the lake - will
Return next downpour)
So I let my mind summon the gushing mighty
Torrents that swirl and splash
At each bankline crook nook and cranny
The ditch depth a cloudburst filled to wash at manic
Speed a confederacy of debris away
Only to desert left stranded
As signs of a recent high water line (keep
Discreet where the water goes)
To some destination further than I've
Ever in dreams crossed to bridge that part of
Slumber reaching with my desires armed for
An endless excursion our unconscious
Forbidding holds captive as bondage thoughts
Weave and rise carrying off a gleam turned in
Some future boy's sight seen
A desolate weathered beauty to behold, a discard
To receive...the weather-battered remnant
Forever tossed in flight by all
The hurried lives and the ceaseless pounding rush.

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johnny case

johnny case

Fort Worth, Texas USA
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