A Dilemma Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

A Dilemma

Rating: 2.5

It is so sad
when clarity
gives way to
frank befuddlement.
It is the brain
that cries for help.
In dire need of nutrients
that are not present
in daily meals of classes
lower than
all mankind ought
to tolerate.
The father drinks,
the mother soon,
by being helpless
slips into the mad morass
of tempting fumes
and nothing
even less
will ever matter
in present time,
or in an unknown future.
There is no family,
no one to care and share
your life and destiny,
so you must march alone.

Leaving a legacy
of ill-equipped
and wide-set eyes,
the surest sign
of FAS, oh yes,
it is the foetal
syndrome that,
related to
the pure and steady
consumption of the sauce.
And then, once time
has passed,
and wind has blown
to drown the voices
of bold reason,
the offspring
(because it can)
does copulate.
Bring to this world
inferior blood
and damaged genes.
And, does it show?

Yes, God allowed
(a day of slight confusion?) ,
the crud to live, '
which means he is naive,
or rules with soft
and whimpish fist.
Though not to worry,
I do not care,
and I have read
Mein Kampf
some time ago,
debating now
what need be done.
or plain shooting,
perhaps a pill of cyanide?
'Clean up this world',
have said so many,
referring to ethnicity.
The question is,
more urgently:
Do we have standards
in our humans
to live up to
and to uphold?
And if we do,
can we just kill
the scum
right where we find it?
To answer does require
not a searching of my soul,
or endless fretting.
A simple nod
may do today
for all tomorrows.

Poetry Hound 16 March 2005

Can't tell if this a case of a dry sense of humor or racist/fascist tendencies. I hope it's the former.

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Rich Hanson 16 March 2005

Herbert. Given the touchiness and sensitivity of people on this site right now, I really don't think this was the right time to post this poem. I realize that you're a doctor and perhaps were just mulling over the merits of euthanasia in your mind, but not here. Not now.

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Rich Hanson 16 March 2005

Herbert, having scrolled up to your poem about the young man who killed his parents at their behest, I'm sure now that you meant no ill to anyone with this poem. My apologies for over-reacting.

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Herbert Nehrlich1 16 March 2005

You are right Rich, any perceived correlation to the one who has now been booted off the site was totally unintentional. And one big reason I wrote these latest poems is precisely the ever present problem, or dilemma of who can (and unashamedly will) make those decisions. That includes euthanasia and other nice pastimes. If you read it correctly, the way it was intended to come across I am asking questions, pondering answers. Yes, scary stuff, the reality lives among us. I invite you to go to any hospital and look behind the curtains. And I haven't even said ANYTHING about Rockefeller yet. H

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Herbert Nehrlich1 16 March 2005

Poetry Hound: Would you like me to re-write it to suit you? I am sorry you don't read my poems normally (apparently) or you would never ask a question like that. H

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K K 04 April 2007

I read this and all of the comments and I agree w/what has been stated. I too would have an abortion if it came to the point I found out my unborn baby had a deformity. It would be a hard choice but I would none the less. So many people for their own selfish reasons choose to continue a pregnancy when they know that there is a problem and then they use religion as their shield.

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Mahnaz Zardoust-Ahari 07 September 2005

I agree with the idea you have in here to a point, cause I have seen what can happen. Though I am sure you have seen more than me considering you are a doctor. I know when I first became pregnant, My husband I both agreed that if our child had a genetic deformity...I would've had an abortion. This was probably more my choice than his. I know some would say that thought was wrong but I look at it this way...I will die one day and who would take care of my child when I die? Most people don't even consider this.

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Linda Preston 27 March 2005

Very thoughtful. Like it

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Janice M Pickett 21 March 2005

THis is a question that has to be seriously considered. Our World applies many standards. Countries with their own laws running their Governments in different ways. To be a woman in some African Countries means being having your sexual organs sliced so you cannot feel any sexual feelings. Being a woman in India can mean death for the woman if she runs out of dowery money or goods. Being a child in Australia means having no boundaries or old fashioned discipline. So no real depth of values. and SO ON. Your question is deep and very meaningful Herbert. It does befuddle the brain. 10

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I just read all the comment, and one statement stood out, Quote- (You are right Rich, any perceived correlation to the one who has now been booted off the site was totally unintentional.) Who got booted off? While on the subject, how did you guys find this site? Were your poems already on here, and you found out just by chance? I have no idea how my first two poems got on here, but once I found them posted here I've had somewhat of a dilemma as of how to find how they got here in the first place.

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