'A Happily Ended, Respectful To Each Other, Story-In Life'. Poem by Michael Gale

'A Happily Ended, Respectful To Each Other, Story-In Life'.

Rating: 5.0

Head of mine freshly put to rest...
Upon yon' fleshly mounded, softened, breast.
A heart beat'ith music to thine ear...
Melodly beautied and lovely dear.
Lips shaded red and shaped, to delight...
Kissed me tenderly, a'for'a, this good right-night.
A'rest'd morning's rise to life...
Happly risen next-with a loved one wife.
Off to work, to all eyes, seem as a blurry...
Futured near, this day be filled-with worry.
Af't exited out that doorway, fueled to hurry...
Lost in amassed traffic, spent with-a'scurry.
This day thus far, filled with stress...
Forced by a boss, to make cleared,
a'fronted-high piled, unworked mess.
Aft'ward-returned home to be greeted by
that doting, loving wife.
A marriage held tightly together,
by each loving spouse...
Under one solid roof'ed-
Love, built house.
'A happily ended, respectful to each other, story-in life'.

***** ********* 03 May 2006

Hello Michael, I had to read this a couple of times to acquaint myself with the language, but is rolled beautifully off the tongue after that. I agree, the foundations of any home lay in the love of the couple occupying it. Solid, comforting and secure. 10 from Tai, never building of shifting foundations again.

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Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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