A Mad Poem Poem by Dr. Insha Iftikhar

A Mad Poem

I want to be Happy
But, Dear Diary
I am a sad person.
I am the Shahid
I am Silvia
I am Atwood
The old man!

The local newspaper says:
A "brilliant" girl
Committed suicide;
They say: She had it all.
She was supposed to be
But, Dear Diary,
She failed.
I fail too!

Yes, Dear Diary
I am mad.
It's a secret, Dear Diary.
To let go of the pain of Being,
I scream and run in the
wilderness of my soul.

Dear Diary,
I get lost sometimes.
I get scared too.
I am dark.
I have inward thorns.
I am a Ghost.
I haunt myself!

How far shall I go?
Yes, I know.
I am a brilliant girl too.
I am supposed to be
Happy too!
But, Dear Diary,
I am so sad!
No degree, No job,
Can cure that!
Only love can!
Dear Dairy,
I want to be happy,
I want to be loved
But I fail!
I shall vanish
Like she her;
Merge with the dark night
And haunt them
With memories.

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