A New Place Poem by Kay Colwill

A New Place

Rating: 4.5

I'm going to miss you,
I'm going to be jealous of you.

You get a new adventure,
a chance to change.

I've never had that chance,
or the change.

I've never had an opportunity,
to move away to a place,
a new Place to call 'Home'.

Yes you're coming back later,
it's a promise but will you

keep it?

I don't know what it's going
to be like without you.

All I can say is:

good luck,
I love you,

and have fun at that new Place

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: moving on
Micheal Olaniyi 07 May 2014

Hi kay cowills, i can see you are a new poet in this site, and you have a good work, you have those terms it takes to build up a poem, but work more on your introductory lines of a poem(first few lines) , and those last ones, they are very crucial, and put in more imagery in your work, more figures of speech and idioms....its makes its fantastic and mature, let them know how you feel by using different things to compare. More grace to your elbow, and am inviting you to read and also comment on my poems. I will really appreciate it? #thanks#

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Susan Lacovara 06 May 2014

I invite teams you to read my poem, To The Girl Across The Street, written for my first childhood friend. I moved away just after first grade, but have kept n ongoing friendship, as we are now both 50 years old. I hope you and your pal do the same. It must be bittersweet her to leave you behind....A lovefilled write. PEACE

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