A Smile Poem by Terry Collett

A Smile

Rating: 4.0

A smile
and that was it
she had you captured
and that was

the first time
you saw her
as you climbed aboard
the school bus

that November
and as you took
your seat toward
the back

you carried her smile
with you
and it seeped into
and seemed to enter

every pore
and veins
and artery
of your being

and when you
looked up front
there she was
sitting with her head turned

still gazing at you
and that smile
and those sparkling
blue eyes

and all the rest
of the kids on the bus

seemed not to be
seemed elsewhere
it was (at least to your mind)
just you and her

and that smile
and those eyes
and as you looked away
out of the window

the sun seemed
to make efforts
to shift clouds
to bless your day.

Okoye Charles Chukwudi 23 February 2012

Simplicity is epitomised by you...beautifully craved like michealangelo on da art....love @ first sight, does happen like that...great poem please do try and read my poem....Written @ midnight hour sureal and Do not despair at the death of the light....thanks for sharing+

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Vipins Puthooran 26 December 2011

A nice poem! ! I like this one! !

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