A Tale Of A Lovers Scorn Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

A Tale Of A Lovers Scorn

Rating: 4.0

Two hearts intertwined by fate
A love so true the gods are envious
Yet why does my soul cry out in pain
The constant grasp of my imperfections
Has brought me at an all time low

I look deep in my soul
Remember the day we met
The first kiss we shared
What happened to those butterflies?
They were harpooned down
What happened to the bliss?
It fades with your poison kiss

So I stand extremely exposed
My hearts in your hands
You’re squeezing it so tightly
What have a done to deserve this
I gave you all my love
I gave you my most precious treasure
Yet here you stand before me
Dismissing our love like its nothing

So here’s to the faded days of happiness
To the love that once inspired me
Now I’m left with a hole in my chest
Will it be mended by you?
Or is this our final goodbye
I can’t tell my eyes are bloodshot
My soul is screaming
This can’t be the end!

My devotion for you is unconditional
My loyalty is unquestionable
Yet here you stand before me
Shoving me to the ground
Attacking my insecurities
As if my tears cause you joy
Do you love laughing as I fall?

You hold so much power over me
You know my weakness and strengths
So why use them to your advantage
Why pour salt on my wound
Am I truly worth nothing to you
Just a fades memory of what once was
Yet we are still together as one
Did you forget this
Or are you simply over looking this fact

I don’t know how much more I can take
My heart has been bleeding for some time
I want the blood to end
I want to be with you
Am I just holding on to a lost cause?
Please tell me I’m not a tainted lover

So here’s my last prey to the gods above
Please save my heart from total inhalation
Please tell me this is just a simple misunderstanding
I don’t think I could live my life with out you
But if I must I will find a way
To survive this life alone

But please don't let this be that day
I just can't let my self fade away
I can't ignore my love for him
I want to over come all of this
And rest comfortably on his chest
Let our tale be the one told of a pure love
One not even the gods could break
Please let us our tale be
The tale of the surviving lovers

Greenwolfe 1962 07 September 2008

I recommend this because it is a loger and frankly a better written version of the same faded love I have read on at least two other occasions today. This piece is probably the best I have read. The problem for me, is that there is nothing new contained in this writing. It may just be that this is all there is. If that is true, then this is not just good, it is great. Perhaps it deserves a better score. GW62

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