A Woman At The Edge Of Death Poem by Gert Strydom

A Woman At The Edge Of Death

Once again America and Russia
is at each other's throats
with the possibility of a nuclear war,
the battle of Armageddon on the horizon.

Threats of American embargoes on Russia
are received with discord and unhappiness
by the leaders of Europe
and it's a real possibility that a nuclear attack
can erupt from North Korea aimed at America
and the countries that do support her,
decimating everything throughout the world
with support from communist China
which only seems to be a sleeping giant.

The religious malice
of the believers of Allah is another threat
where terrorists do go to the utter extreme
to make their point,
even if self-inhalation is measured into this

brings us to a decimated nuclear desert with the earth scorched:
the science, culture, technology of eons forever lost
where only the cockroaches do as a enormous pest remain
does to life's puzzle perfectly fit
and it's not just another ridiculous though
of how the future might be.

Global destruction,
the earth's systems cancelled to radiated waste
with at the source of each explosion
even shadows burnt into the rock
becomes a real possibility
while trust in self-righteous
self-serving people has run out
with the sands of time running out to the very moment
that all life on the world is due to be evaporated.

That future to that prophesied time of calamity
is hardwired into destiny
where at the very moment of now
it is like an undiagnosed cancer eating away
at the hope of the future prosperity that does remain
while we live on,
create plans, develop, love, cry and play
while at a time all of history,
all people, animals and plants
are going to be decimated in the third world war

by nuclear, biological and poison weapons
that is matched against each other's
by the opposing super powers
and even third-rate developing nations
are thrown into this melting-pot
which is ready to explode
but even if mankind do not believe
and do not even want to think
that the earth will be gone in a mere moment,
death do come with a much lesser impact

where your pain radiates
as if not ending,
while it is always there
although somewhat suspended
but always somewhere.

Prayers I have said countless times
and still have not found an answer,
as to some things in life
no answer really do exist
and maybe I should be asking for grace,
for you to be taken away
to a more peaceful resting place

where without any knowledge
of the state of the world
and its affairs in death you will rest

but that though brings horror
as I love you too much,
too deeply I adore you
but destiny has the upper hand
while you fade away into the eternal night.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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