A Word To Husbands Poem by Ogden Nash

A Word To Husbands

Rating: 3.7

To keep your marriage brimming
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
Whenever you’re right, shut up.

Friday, January 3, 2003
Topic(s) of this poem: funny
Denvor Fernandez 10 February 2009

Great advice.Short and sweet.But no one follows it nowadays.

27 4 Reply
Karen Sinclair 25 October 2012

Hahaha! ! ! ! om gosh, i wish i could spend one day in this mans company... nothing beats wit and humour....he's a riot! ! !

22 4 Reply
Min Sia 10 November 2008

Exactly! ! ! A heartwarming masterpiece! ! !

19 5 Reply
Blue angel Florida 02 October 2007

Yes, 'Shut Up'...LoL :) Loved it!

15 6 Reply
Roi Rosas 26 September 2008

surely, what every man should do, nice!

15 5 Reply
Kasturi G 04 August 2022


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Kasturi G 04 August 2022


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Nabakishore Dash 12 June 2022

a valuable advice for all husbands.

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Ogden Nash

Ogden Nash

New York / United States
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