And A Thief Rose Among Men Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

And A Thief Rose Among Men

and a thief rose among men
and further down was dis honesty
within that bed stood less charity
and massed the public wore hoods.

Dick fleeced Tom and returned and did Mary
and being sheep reserved but brown grass
while grins of laughter, wear out your wool
and being sheep, they tell you what to do..

No one likes to be told they are a fool
only a fool would know what they're not.
mine tears known as laughter civic duties
and i rose to your level, i was upside down
ever the patriot i am now, knowing i'm fleeced
and you who left beer, in charge of our country.

do you want to be water boarded...
didn't think so...
do you like things stuck up inside..
you that don't feel good..besides that..
i bet you do..but not like that..
let them pass a law that allows your children...
to be case they...
do end up like you....
blaa....blaa...white sheep...
and some one thinks they did it...
due process can be it isn't..
and implode there brains...they can do it..
besides in there scheme of things your not..
nor your children do you care...why have them...
while honest people,
are put down as thieves and are not...
while honest people steal your bread...
and when you hunger and say they are not...
still in the background is laughter... :)
do you get it for....people....
who don't eat sheep....
some days is it not better to eat less chicken.


James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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