Andy Warhol Paper (For School) Poem by Samantha Bush

Andy Warhol Paper (For School)

There are a few things one must know about the famous Andy Warhol. One such thing would be the fact that he took the art world into more of an art business. Second his lifestyle was one he lived and took full advantage of. He had many people who would totally dropp their lifestyles and join him in his film work, and live in his art building “The Factory”. Third of his time area everything he did, every move he made...was unheard of. People just didn't do the things he did. It wasn't of the time.

Many think that his paintings were the death of real art, and something entirely different then art. It pushed the people's minds and forced them to see what could be, instead of what is. Most art up to late 1950's had been realism. Fully following the picture in front of them. Like a photo without a camera. When Andy decided to mix in high intensity colors with other clashing, bright colors...many saw this as the death of art. Though his work inspired many to push the usual mediums of art such as paint and canvas to thing much more vast. Thus began the division of Pop-Art vs. Fine Art.
The fine art was seen to be the still life, photo finished art. Portraying images that were safe and soft. The Pop-Art world raved with bright colors and harsh shapes. Mediums spanning from silk screen process, inflatable fabric, to TVs. Like much of his generation, Andy was out to change the ways, and that he did. He pushed people to look past an image and view the meaning. Not just documenting an event, but an emotion. The idea behind Andy's works is controversial. Some believe they were just there, nothing more then bright colors. Though others saw something more then the ascetic value. Was Andy repeating images over and over to grab our attention and make us notice the little things in life? Or was it something much more then that? The sleazy recoloring of the famous Monro, is this his way of showing her commercial value? Or just his way of simplifying her?
Many will never know. Though when asked about his famous soup cans painting in an interview he responded, 'I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch every day for twenty years, I guess, the same thing over and over again.' (Bailey, Suzanne. History of American Art) What if he simply did this, because he could? That these thoughts and theories are just people's way of trying to reason with his work. Trying to fix something they do not understand. Andy Warhol has succeeded in
astounding many with his work, and puzzling so many more.

Andy also followed his art career with film. In 1965 Andy claimed to step away from the art world to work on filming and his band, he had put together, known as the Velvet Underground. (History of American Art) Although he said this, he still dabbled in his art world from time to time. Though many guess more for the sake of making more money, then expanding his talent. Not much can be said on his works as a director/producer of the later 70+ movies. Because, like Andy, they were very odd.
In his most famous film, “Sleep”, it shows the poet John Giono simply sleeping for six continuous hours. Giono was among the many who stayed at Warhol's “Factory” and made the films with him. Though many know about the movie “Sleep”, his most publicized was “1966's Chelsea Girls”. It was the first, and possibly only, one of its kind. Andy had taken the same story, but filmed it on two rolls of film. One was a more darker picture, catching all the shadows. While the other was a very light film, catching every dropp of light. They would be played simultaneously, side by side. Critics raved that when you watch each side, they both give you the feeling of two totally different stories, yet they are the same. When the film played, one storyline would be turned up to hear over the other, then vise versa. Another movie he had shot was done over and over by many, and more to come even after him. Known as “Blood for Dracula” or “Andy's Dracula”, the film dealt with the classic tale of Dracula. The vampire who comes from Transylvania to seek virgin blood. Though Andy added in some twists, it was still stuck in the average remakes of what Bram Stroker had created. (Wikipedia)

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