Another Bogus Investigation Of Trump Poem by Gert Strydom

Another Bogus Investigation Of Trump

May God His mercy on America bestow:
what a bunch of political losers are the FBI,
an agency that should keep American security high
but do the bidding of old demented insane Joe

and these avid failures do away from Mar-a-Lago go
with a letter from Kim Jong-un they want to lie,
a cocktail napkin and dinner-party menu do apply,
while their improper behaviour is on video.

I am not into politics but these buffoons
force me for righteousness right into to it,
for a reckoning and law and order I yearn,
where they act more stupid than baboons
and the acts of Biden do my country hit
as the world do into a despicable place turn.

[Poet's notes: The search was for material
brought by Mr. Trump to his residence
Mar-a-Lago and no one knows how it can be
Illegal to posses a personal letter,
a napkin and dinner-party menu. The FBI
even like criminals opened his safe.

Biden has with his "New Green Deal" stopped
the Key-stone Pipeline, stopped oil
exploration and driven inflation up
by printing more dollars.

In my country our fuel price is
determined by the price of American
Brent Crude. The prices of everything
is now sky high and it is clear to see
who is responsible for all of this.]
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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