Another Time Another Life Poem by Luz H.

Another Time Another Life

Rating: 5.0

Another time another life,
they were two younger souls
caught in the same space
a tangled web
they did not comprehend
As she struggles in the web
The poor fly does not grasp
the spider's ways
'I couldn't kill like that', she says
and so a fly remains.

Time will clear the way
if you wish to grow
if you want to see
and rise above that fly's mentality
there is hope there is light

The fly will learn that
the poor spider may seem
evil, may seem cruel
and appears to have
the upper hand
yet it's all relative
everything is momentarily

For power lays
in life's continual motion
rising above
that frozen state
of fear and blame

Waiting patiently
for an opportunity
to morph and grow into
the next upgrade.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Allemagne Roßmann 26 August 2011

Well said...very good poetry here

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Aqeb Benazir 02 August 2011

this is gooood stufff! ! ! the story and the depth is very motivating.10/10!

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Romeo Della Valle 31 July 2011

What seems to be momentary may turn out to be an eternity. The struggle to survive is nothing more than the continuation life itself which is a circle (360degree) that only Time can define! This is an excellent, well penned and thought provoking poem! I love its great imagery and fine texture! 10+++ Keep inspiring the World with your talented works! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from New York City! ...

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