August 2017's Showcase Of And For Poem Hunter Poets ….[a Selection By Bri Of Poems, Most Of Which Are Authored By P H Poets; Links To Their Poem Pages] Poem by Bri Edwards

August 2017's Showcase Of And For Poem Hunter Poets ….[a Selection By Bri Of Poems, Most Of Which Are Authored By P H Poets; Links To Their Poem Pages]

***Important information, ADDED August 7th 2017:

Readers of showcases, this August's showcase has been somewhat of a bother to me, for various reasons. I've had 'technical problems' maneuvering through the process of putting it together. Much of the trouble has to do with its length and my attempts to make it more user-friendly. PoemHunter does not always cooperate either. Now I am in the process of breaking the LONG showcase (over 40 poems, by over 40 poets) into FOUR PARTS: A, B, C, and D.

I now have Part C in my list of poems and have started to notify some of the members in My Friends list of Part C and the upcoming, but yet unsubmitted Parts A, B, and D.

Once all 'parts' are submitted, each one being a separate 'poem' in my PH list of poems, I plan to DELETE from my list of poems this 'original August 2017's showcase'.....[[or at least its LONG list of poems]]..... which developed problems.

My introductory poem to August's showcase:

Ladies and gentlemen, and perhaps some ‘poets' who are neither,
my new 'poem-link-method' has given …..‘poor-old-Bri' a breather.
No one's objected yet to newness. Could it be no one is looking? ?
It could be the truth, but, ‘no matter', a new showcase I'm cooking!

If you don't know how this works, just ask or look at last month's.
If you don't help me or ask questions, at least let me hear NO grunts!
Not so many poets will I use in August, but maybe, of poems, more.
I may lean heavily on ‘my favorites', but 'who the Hell's' keeping score?

There may be a few ‘new poets', at least ones who are new to ‘old Bri'.
And I'll give more than one title from some poets. Yes! I'm quite sly.
As always I also solicit offerings, to be sent in messages; send them to Bri.
But, please, proofread and send a CORRECT link or title, or at LEAST TRY ….
to do it! ! !

The poems need not be new. There are NO restrictions on topic or length.... [[IF I only give the poems' links]]****.
And ….if I don't use one from you, perhaps it's ‘cause you ‘had-not-the-strength' ….
to type, type, type me a note offering me poems. You need NOT be title-specific;
you may just say 'Please take one or two'. If you participate that'd be terrific!

(July 14 2017)

Bri Edwards aka Brian Edward Whitaker (for real!)

****I SHALL use links to poems, but, at Bharati's Nayak's 'request/suggestion' I MIGHT ALSO PUT the texts of poems into the showcase IF the poems are not much longer than 25 lines long. It is more work for me. DOES ANYONE ELSE prefer to have the texts in the showcase? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

When the poem links are available***, they will be found below, with the names of the authors. I may start the list on this page and add to it, or I may wait until the beginning of August to display the ‘links' and poet names.

***[ YOU will have to add 'www' plus '' in front of each partial-link to get the complete link. Don't forget the ‘.' between 'www' and
''! ! ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If I remember to do it, I shall put 'submitted' after the names of the authors who actually OFFER me a specific poem they would like included in the showcase. My 'special thanks' go to them. Otherwise, meaning if I notify the poet and take it without it being 'offered', I plan to note 'borrowed'.



1 - Bharati Nayak (submitted)

partial link: /a-love-song-49/


A Love Song

I love you
But ÝOU' is not you
YOU'' is that beauty
Which fills me with light
ÝOU'is that hand
Which picks out the thorns
From my feet.
ÝOU'is that presence
Which is ever present
In my happiness and darkness
On my cloudy sky
YOU is the color
Which makes the rainbow
And YOU appears
As the North star
In a directionless weather.

YOU is not the Red -Rose, but
The red of the Rose
YOU is not the Rose
But the thorns that
Guards the Rose.

YOU is the song of the song-bird
Blue of the Blue-sky, and
Green of the Green-leaves
It does not matter
Where thatÝOU' lives
For I feel ÝOU
As the oxygen filled air
Circulating me
And YOU will stay here
As a shaft of light
And the last piece of my breath.

Topics: life, love, spiritual


2 - Bri Edwards (submitted)

title: A Father's Toast At His Gay Son's Wedding Reception..... [same-Sex Marriage; Humour/Humor; Johnny Cash Song/Sheldon Silverstein Poem; Short]

partial link: /poem/a-father-s-toast-at-his-gay-son-s-wedding-reception-same-sex-marriage-humour-humor-johnny-cash-song-sheldon-silverstein-poem-short/

Topic: humor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bri's Note on poem: This seems to be the poem I have in my list which is MOST 'clicked on', BUT which rarely, if ever, has a comment left. That is ok, but I hope some will at least read and enjoy it. I think I put it into a previous showcase.


3 - Khairul Ahsan (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/pink-fingers/


Pink Fingers

I can set out on a world tour
On foot, holding your fingers,
Your beautiful, pink fingers.

I can spend years in meditation
Like a sage, if you let me clench
Your pink fingers in my fist.

I can embark on a parachute jump
From the top of the Mt. Everest,
If I have with me, your pink fingers.

I can write a poem every morning,
Only if every night I go to sleep
Holding one or more of your fingers

04 September 2014
(Copyright reserved)

Topic: love

4 - Annette Aitken (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/hugs-20/


(((((((Hugs)))))) ....


Here's a hug from me to you
to make you smile when feeling blue
to make you happy when your sad
to let you know life's ain't all bad
hugs are sometimes all we need
so here's a hug I share with thee
to all my friends and strangers to
I can be doing with a hug....

Can't you?

(((((((((((((hug)))))))))))) ;)

Topic: comforting

Bri's note: As with some other fine poems on PH, here there
are 'typos', but nothing TOO serious, AND I'm not changing them!


5 - Kim Barney (borrowed, as it was once before)

title: River Ran Red

partial link: /poem/river-ran-red/

Topic: war


6 - Tom Billsborough (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/snake-31/



Hardly a sound in your world,
Only the repetitious 'S'.
In your coiled strength,
Your sliding motion and your suddenness,
The pure silk of your pink mouth,
The sloughing of a whole skin,
And that sparkling newness
As you stretch, easy in your new length,
Cool and supple as a stream's dance.
I hear no hiss as your tongue's black tips
Like a shivering nerve detect that strange warmth,
Nor hiss of triumph as you swallow whole your prey.
Hardly a sound in your world,
Only the echoing 'S'
In your bold stare belying
The true shyness of a snake
As you watch me from a safe distance.
The 'S' contains your whole being
Which makes you more complete than me,
As I have no sound's shape.

Topic: snake


7 - Akhtar Jawad (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/to-a-muslim-assalam-to-a-hindu-ram-ram/


To A Muslim Assalam To A Hindu Ram Ram

I want to die at the place of my birth,
No soil is better than that soil on this earth,
Colors of that soil have a rainbow in it,
Any other soil for me is misfit,
Smell of that soil inspires my soul,
Everything of that soil suits me as a whole.
But I know I can't go there,
It's almost same I live now where,
The culture of this soil is alike and same,
Whom should I name and whom I blame,
For the walls we built for the wars we fought,
Were short sightedness and narrow minded thought,
These are the questions to be answered in future,
Nobody could divide our ancient culture,
Music of Khusro and message of Nizam,
To a Muslim Assalam to a Hindu Ram Ram.
Akhtar Jawad

Topic: patriotism


8 - Paul (aka Andy) Brookes (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/new-years-early-morning-walk/


New Years Early Morning Walk

lichen clothed
stone walls straddle
rolling humpbacks
hills green on green

melancholy cloud-scape
lingers moist in
grey misted valley folds
of stone and slate

dried whispering grasses
dulled damped down
recalcitrant dawn
refuses to spark into light

chilled droplets fall ice on skin
gritstone monsters rear
their voice's stolen
from the cackling brook.

New Year has started
on a dreary damp day
glimmers of sun give hope
as the bright dawn burst forth.

Topic: miscellaneous


9 - Lora Colon (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/god-s-plan-for-me-2/


God's Plan For Me

I've been watching this woman on Earth,
She's convinced that I'm cruel and mean,
Her nights are spent in wretched discontent,
But I'm so confused..... should I intervene?

She fumbles through her day, as if blind,
Like she needs someone to lead her,
I stroke her hair, and then I say 'There, there, '
What do I do next? I'm no mind reader!

She asked for love, so I sent someone,
And she smiled..... so in need was she,
He wasn't that great, but now it's too late,
Is she expecting an apology?

She keeps saying I made a mistake,
She may start rumors about me,
I haven't a clue, just what should I do?
Let me ponder what my next move will be

I thought I had this under control,
Human behavior is so bizarre,
Poor passionate thing, though I clipped her wing
She continues to fly.... but not far

She's praying again, but it's Sunday,
Gather 'round, Angels, let's brainstorm,
I'll do my best, but it's my day of rest,
So what can we do to make her conform?

Her prayers are constant and quite fervent,
Oh, who cares.... I have too much to do!
I think I'll just say, in my divine way,
'Quit crying, many suffer worse than you!

Topics: love and life


10 - Colleen Courtney (borrowed)

title: Love Without Sex

partial link: /poem/love-without-sex-2/

Topic: love

Bri's note: Well, golly gee! This is another 'love'-topic poem! ! !


11 - Simone Inez Harriman (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/pipi-pearls/


Pipi Pearls

Pipi's don't grow pearls
I know that
They're a poor man's feast
Ocean wading with empty pockets
My feet feel for them
Digging this way and that
Evicting seaward drifters
My heart feels for them
Little indigenous inhabitants
Colonising my flax Pipi basket
Soon to be
Fritters to fatten
My urban prince
Simone Inez Harriman

Topics: food, happiness, poverty


12 - Jessica Hastings (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/the-girl-i-used-to-be/

text: [it's a bit long, but i want this read. bri :) ]

The Girl I Used To Be

The girl who used to look
in every mirror, window, glass...
to find a reflection of herself
to see if she still looked good
while laughing with her friends

The girl who used to stare
at guys
hoping one of them would notice her
while laughing with her friends

The girl who used to party
was seen
as the most perfect girl
while laughing with her friends

The girl who used to do this
can't look in any mirror anymore
she is afraid of the reflection
she is afraid to burst in tears in public
while walking alone

The girl who used to do this
doesn't look at boys anymore
because you can see the sadness in her lovely eyes
boys don't like sad girls
that's something you should know

The girl who used to do this
lost all her friends
she made herself believe that she is better off without them
but now she discovers her own lie

The girl who used to feel alive
is now dead inside
faking happiness
for over a year

The girl who used to be the best
now pretends like she's the best
Because she feels like the worst
did you know she was depressed?

Topic: none listed; it was before 'Topic' was required by PH, I believe


13 - Valsa George (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/my-epitaph-15/


My Epitaph

Below the vault of this moon lit sky
Make a grave and let me lie
In joy I lived and in joy I die
And wish to see no one cry

This you carve on the grave I lie
'Here is some one, though a small fry
Had a heart as big as a mountain high
Who with songs of love, every heart did tie'

Topic: none was required when this was submitted by V.G.


14 - Cassandra James (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/candy-29/



Chewy caramels,
Delicious chocolates,
Spicy Mints,
And peppery canes.

Milky-white chocolate balls,
Chocolate-covered coffee beans,
Raisins, blueberries, and strawberries;
All covered in sweet, suave, chocolate.

Oh, how I adore,
Chocolate kisses,
Velvety licorice (not quite) ,
And chocolate balls of nuts!

Candy, oh candy,
My love for you will never cease.
But my friends are sweeter than you;
Yet the price I would not have to pay is this:
Toothaches, cavities, and rotten teeth!

Topic: none required

Poet's Notes:

Well, this poem is to all of my friends out there. However,
this is more or less dedicated to my friend Amy Kawai. She's
a precious little gem; dull when left alone, but shiny once polished.


15 - Brian Johnston (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/college-black-body/


Black Body

I. Imagine a stack
Of razor blades
Bolted together
Polished edges
Forming a blunt mass…
Who would guess the
Blackness of that face?

II. Picture Pandoran box
Harboring atom pulse;
No less a voyeur
The scientist peering
Through revealing keyhole
Finds an interior
Darker than any light.

III. Such an inscrutable blackness
Is called a black body;
Acceptance of its existence
Gave birth to uncertainty
Blurred the determinism
Of an earlier age…
And color returned to God's cheeks.

IV. Though it might not seem worth mentioning,
This dark, absorbing mass when heated
Radiates such bright intensity
That man has yet to find its equal;
Long before black bodies start to burn
All other forms have been destroyed;
Darwin might have seen a truth in this.
Brian Johnston

Topic: science

(partial) Poet's Notes:

Written during my graduate studies in Physics around 1968.


16 - s.zaynab kamoonpuri (borrowed)

partial link: poem/my-wee-special-guest/


My Wee Special Guest

It popped in as if to say hello
my birdie buddy all sweet and mellow
Dressed in a downy gold gown of yellow
I tried to cheep in tune, join its song to say
'welcome my chirping lil fellow
Oh my it sang then like a feathered cello!

So poem-hunters hi and hello and twitter tweet tweet
May you find this short 'n' sweet sweet
This was in honour of my winged guest of honour
For I fawn over you birdie, I'm your fan, a bird lover
Build your nest in my poet's corner, I'm your fawner
Lil birdie you are my VIP, be my guest of honour

Topic: birds


17 - Xelam Kan (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/life-s-lesson-7/


Life's Lesson

Plain living and
high thinking
are no more...
What a pity that
in life
we only get our lessons
when they are
of no use...
to us.
Accept the pain,
cherish the joys,
resolve the regrets;
then can come
the best of benedictions.
I had my life to live over again,
I'd do it
all the same.

Topic: none required


18 - Stephen Katona (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/i-m-a-clever-crow/


I'M A Clever Crow

Why hello!
I'm a hooded crow.
I live in a park in Tel Aviv,
And I've a skill you'll never believe.
Of all my feathered friends in the sky,
There's never been one as clever as I.

I used to watch the fish in our pool,
Their juicy sides would make me drool.
One day I was pecking at some floating bread,
When a fish tried to eat it instead.
I grabbed this cheeky fellow in my beak,
With skill I thought was pretty unique.

The next day I sat down to wait,
And dropped a few crumbs as bait.
How wise I was to plan ahead,
For something better than just bread.

Now each day I'm as quick as a flash,
To catch my tea with hardly a splash.
I think it's time for you all to sing,
Of the great black hooded fisher king.

Topic: animals


19 - Loke Kok yee (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/perspective-from-a-worm/


Perspective From A Worm

When I went to bed last night I dreamed I was a worm,
Beneath the ground in fertile soil happily I did roam.
In a world where there was no caste, class or creed,
Devoid of wicked deeds or sinister thoughts to breed.

All of us were equal and we all looked quite the same,
None of us held tittles and we don't even have a name.
There never was a temper lost or anger to display,
For brawling and disputes were simply not our way.

And we could not understand the meaning of wealth,
For as long as we had lived we're always in good health.
Though diverse and in large numbers we live in harmony,
And that without the ability to speak, to hear or to see.

Emerging from this mouldy world I came to realise,
All life forms however low we must not hastily despise.
Hidden in their simple ways there's much for us to learn,
For man is full of vices which are cause for much concern.

Topic: nature

Bri's Notes:

'tittles' should be 'titles'. right/correct? ? :)

AND: in response to this 'wormerful' poem, i wrote 'Worm World'


20 - Kelly Kurt (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/fish-11/



Hidden beneath reflecting waves
They spend both night and day
With the sub aquatic mandate
Be predator or prey

In briny deep or shallow ponds
Variety is rife
Shape, size and color myriad
A festival of life

‘Round thermal vents or Arctic ice
Some form has found its niche
For guppy and leviathan
A place is found for each

I'd like to travel far and wide
To see each kind of fish
My favorite place to see them tho
Deep fried and on a dish

Topic(s: fish, hope, life, love, memory, nature


21 - M.J. Lemon (borrowed)

title: Venom

partial link: /poem/venom-25/

Topics: death, life, real life

Bri's Notes: the poem is 'too long' to give the text here, but i recommend it.


22 - Eugene Levich (borrowed)

title: Spaghetti

partial link: /poem/spaghetti-5/

Topics: humor, nostalgia

Bri's Notes: Again! this too is too long but recommended...HIGHLY!


23 - Felicia Manning (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/candlesticks/



We are all just,
Dripping away,
As time passes,
We melt away.

Like candlesticks,
With their lit wicks,
We are warm,
We all melt,
Both the ordinary and sophisticated.

While fire gives the candle purpose,
It's also the cause of its demise,
You can see this happen,
Right before your eyes.

Burning all day,
Dripping away.

Once a nice candle,
Now just a puddle of wax,
No need to worry,
It will be remolded,
Felicia Manning

Topic: life


24 - Rajnish Manga (borrowed)

[apparently translating an 'Anonymous' English language poem into Hindi]

partial link: poem/limerick-r3-hindi-three-little-birds/

text(s) :

in English:

Limerick R3 (Hindi) Three Little Birds

There were three little birds in a wood,
Who always sang hymns when they could,

What the words were about
They could never make out.

But they felt they were doing them good.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

in Hindi:

छोटे से इक जंगल में थे तीन मुर्ग़ रहा करते,
यहाँ वहां बैठे उड़ते वो मंत्रोच्चार किया करते,

मन्त्रों में क्या लिक्खा था,
उनको कभी न दिक्खा था,

पर लगता ये मन्त्र सदा सबका भला किया करते.

(अनुवाद/ रजनीश मंगा)

Rajnish Manga

Topics: bird, forest, good, woods


25 - Jojoba Mansell (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/the-frogs-went-to-war-a-poem-for-children/


The Frogs Went To War (A Poem For Children)

There's fighting in the duck pond,
the frogs have gone to war!
They're punching toads and kicking newts,
they're out to settle an old score.

'These lilly pads are ours! '
Screams a gigantic froggy brute.
Then he hops into the reed bed,
then starts beating up a newt.

'Stop this, it is madness! '
Shout the old grey geese.
But the frogs just ignore them,
they're waging war, not peace.

They're hopping past the bulrush,
they have just slapped mother swan.
Their battle cry is 'Ribbit! '
And still they're marching on!

'Enough! ' Shouts the heron,
'This really has to stop! '
He bares his beak, his frog eating beak,
then not one frog dares hop.

The heron has them fleeing,
the frogs hop off in retreat.
They're apologising frantically,
knowing they're what heron likes to eat!

Topic: none given


26 - Patti Masterman (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/a-word-salad-sprouts-in-my-brain/


A Word Salad Sprouts In My Brain

A word salad sprouts in my brain, over and over:
Televisions and radios playing loudly, just till you find
By a single glance, they are not really turned on at all.

The commericals and talking, the songs and laughter
Are not really there, and the steps out in the garage
Belong to nobody, that's walking there.

Voices argue inside my head, but it's no one;
It's just the busy mind, ever wanting to define
The stray neurons that fire, into something
That once upon a time was recognizable.

Or perhaps it is all just a tape recording, replaying
Everything over the years; but who can tell
Where the microphone switch was tripped, or why?

And happy it is to realize, after so many years
That these sprouts could never grow into a real plant.

Topic: none given


27 - Brian Mayo (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/confessions-of-the-pope/


Confessions Of The Pope

From the Desk of Pope Francis

To whom it may concern:

I understand many Catholics are shocked and outraged by my recent revelation.
Yes, it's true- -when I was a young priest back in Argentina, I reached into an open casket and pried the rosary from a fellow priest's cold, lifeless hand. Listen, I know that sounds bad, but in my defense, I only had to use a LITTLE force; it's not like he had it in a death-grip, or anything.

Look, I'm a human being, no different than you. I put on my robe one sleeve at a time- -just like everyone else (unless I'm in a hurry) . It's important that folks don't put me on a pedestal. I want to be seen as a regular Joe. You didn't see Jesus going around acting all high and mighty and dammit, I won't either!

Okay, stealing the rosary was bad, I'll admit, but Hell, I've done a lot worse. I've swiped all sorts of stuff: jewel-encrusted chalices, candlesticks- -I've even stolen a few cars!

Man, it feels good to get this off my chest! I probably should've confessed all this to someone YEARS ago! Let's see… what else? Oh yeah- -I pushed an old lady down and snatched her purse two days after completing Divinity School. Don't be alarmed! She wasn't hurt. And I barely got away with enough for a six-pack of Michelob and a tin of cigarettes. A pretty measly haul, I think you'll agree!

Things improved for me a bit later. I realized I could sew enormous, hidden pockets inside my frock, enabling me to pilfer just about anything I wanted. I once used this method to conceal ten cassette tapes, a bong, and a rolled-up poster of Jimi Hendrix- -I strolled right out of Spencer's Gifts- -no one noticed a damn thing!

Look, I don't have to steal anymore- -I finally have enough. Please don't worry about any of the Vatican treasures by which I find myself surrounded. I'm not even tempted… Besides, half this stuff could go missing tomorrow and I doubt any one would even notice…

Pope Francis

(for life, chumps)

Topic: religion

Bri's note: i did NOT write this one. but i wish i had!


28 - Rod Mendieta (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/raining-marbles/

title: Raining Marbles

Topics: belief, warning


29 - Stuart Munro (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/twenty-ways-to-stay/

title: Twenty Ways To Stay

Topic: nonsense

30 - Madathil Rajendran Nair (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/jasmine-bud/

title: Jasmine Bud

Topic(s) of this poem: dream


31 - Sk. Nurul Huda (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/my-self-killing-love/


My Self-Killing Love

You stealthily killed me to give me a sound life
While I could not prevent your poisoned knife,
You to put me on the thorny throne of Macbeth;
I am pricked I am going to kill your fertile faith.

You know my wave was of high hertz to heal them
To resonance with me you give the excuses lame,
You compelled me to compromise to be in your loves pub-
For the ethereal reduction leaving the decrepit children's hub.

Your unedited, blind love was a pilgrim's offering to me no doubt
You failed to hear their crying and for them my heart's silent-shout.

Topics: children, conflict


32 - Kassem Oude (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/lora-colon-poet/


Lora Colon: Poet

Dear Loraine you've musical name
In poetry world you have fame
Your sheer love's honest for the one
Entices me like warm rays of sun

Light verses easy clear like your soul
Why you've not attained your goal?
You swim in loneliness sea and sorrow
You pass nights aching till morrow

If I were near your around
I would become friend and a mate
Our souls could gather on same ground
I would be the good one, but too late

Your shadow roams in my space
I connect with you through your breath
Which blows scent breeze on my face
And makes my heart full of mirth

I would kiss you by big heart
And hug you through ocean waves
I hope my words fill a part
Of your garden as I crave.

(Tuesday 9 September 2014)

Topic: happiness


33 - Lyn Paul (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/so-lucky/

text: [it's a little long for the showcase, but you ARE SO LUCKY! ]

So Lucky

I feel so Lucky...

For so many things
Have not be so good
But I am blessed
To feel so Lucky

Windows have opened
Then suddenly slammed shut
But blessed I am
For being so Lucky

Teardrops have fallen
On the roadside
I've come out standing
I've come out alive
For that I am so Lucky

The bodies mechanics
May be failing
Though heavy tuning
That I do
To wake each day for that sunrise
Sure makes me feel
So Lucky

Rain may fall
We see victims of sadness
We must see
To be forever grateful
Just to be alive
Healthy and free
Spared to be So Lucky

I've polished many coffins
Smiled and said goodbye
Walked gracefully with the music
Proud to be So Lucky
So Lucky
To be alive

(Copyright Reserved September 6th 2015)

TopicS: believe, flowers, freedom, funeral, hope, life and death, luck


34 - Alice Perfect (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/this-evil-bag-of-chips/


This Evil Bag Of Chips

You evil bag so plump and full, my bane,
you nasty slut, your walls I'll drain.

How long do you think this tease will last?
I'll pick you up, and on my table, you, I'll cast.
Tearing away, your cover, I'll get right to your flesh,
I grab you, nibble you, stuff you in my mouth, so fresh!
I can't touch you a bit and then walk away,
Your entirety I must have now, your allness I will slay.
There are other options, better off I would always be,
leaving you on the store shelf, lonely for eternity.

Topics: food, lust


35 - Della Perry (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/tiddles/



How terribly sad that the elation is great
When the awaiting feline meows
Pleased at your arrival
How it leaps to greet you
Bouncing across lawns of corn
Rubbing small heart shaped nose against your ankles
Purrs like it's in love.
I retract that statement.
Not sad at all,
It is wonderful to feel so wanted, needed, awaited
Missed in your absence
Even if it is just by a cat
That waits by your door, wanting meat and refreshment.

Topic: cats

Bri's note: in her Poet's Notes, Della explains her reference to 'corn', but she also inserts my name (Bri) for some reason, maybe because i like birds?
AND i'm only guessing: Tiddles is a cat's name?


36 - Elena Plotkin (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/grape-3/



Troubles come in bunches
But I am not one to ever gripe,
Of course hanging around in the trenches,
One can't avoid hearing a lot of tripe.
Everyone seems sour about something,
But I say 'good news can travel a vine just as fast.
A change in attitude can be the start of everything,
And watch the good stories and times that'll be amassed.'
For really, it is our outlook on life that makes us so heavy,
That we gladly turn to bottles and vats of wine or champagne.
All we need is to stop thinking that our future has a levy,
And no one will ever get stomped on or feel pressed every again.

((c) 2015 Copyright Elena Plotkin)

Topic: fruit


37 - Is It Poetry (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/humming-bird-song/


Humming Bird Song

You when I call, to obtain from it,
having been troubled from this youth.
Then not as now it is not that fresh for me.
It is not possible now to give up to far and fly away.
Humming bird song, why the damage to thee as to me.
Thy little thus from life it is peace.
Moving off into away it is hidden warm safely,
the yoke of thy far form.
Where the eye, milky the eye is curiosity.
You thus I am observed.
It is for the sake of his strong magnificence,
your being has been attached to the siver cord, thy back.
Deepest of blue turns green, I am with you, as you I am.
Gold, silver maker thy lined.
Thy velvet uncovered thus draped amongst the ruins.
Houseless I am of thus made by thee,
you see but this wandering person.
My clothing, my staff, your arms thus wrapped about me.
The hero never cries out when to often in sleep where you lie.

Topic: none given [ but he often puts 'green' (even when there
no mention of 'green' in the poem) , I think because
Is It Poetry, like some other PH members, did not like when PH
started to require a Topic to be listed

Bri's note:
Is It Poetry seems to be one of the most prolific poets on PH.

His poems often also seem to be some of the oddest, in that i often do not understand what the Hell he is talking about! ok, i sometimes have an idea, but still i rarely feel i follow the 'story' well. but STILL, besides seeming to be a fine not-so-young-man, i find that reading his poems is somehow enjoyable. there is some musicality in some of it. and, yes, there ARE what i call misspellings, but that is NOT the most important thing in life to avoid, even though i usually point them out to poets. i LIKE this guy. :)


38 - Clarence Prince (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/little-the-bee1/


Little The Bee1

My name is little the Bee
I'm so busy at times I get dizzy
I wish I was Winkle the beetle
He is just sneaky an cheeky
Work makes him fairly sleepy
Not me, as during spring time
I worked with the sunshine
Visiting from flower to flower
Picking up nectar and pollen
Working with all those plants
I'M fulfilling the Lord's plans
Yearly throughout the spring
I go from flower to flower
Whilst idle Winkle the beetle
Lives freely, looking sleekly
Stays home eats corn flour
I worked with all my power
Being inspired by the flowers
Make me sings buzzing songs
Working daily in spring time
Completing the plans of the Divine
Made me of all insects unique
Says Little the busy little Bee

(All rights reserved.
Clarence Prince)

Topic: poetry


I Just noticed that i had left the '/poem' part off of
the 'partial links' i had listed for several of the above


39 - Douglas Scotney (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/epitaph-for-bri/


Epitaph For Bri

Here lies Bri
Composting in this place.
Died with agility.
A knife in his hand
Dealt the coup de grace...

Topic: epitaph

Poet's Notes:
on Bri's request. A rewording of a writing of his.


40 - Paul Sebastian (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/sex-education-3/


Sex Education

Parenting is surrendered to television
Of five to eight hours of home education
Enemy taking over family communication
Hacking spiritual values, love-altar to destruction

Internet access is enshrined in every home
Information at finger tips for consumption
Kids surfing porn of sorts on YouTube roam
Social media displacing real personal interaction

Young misconceive sex, are sexually illiterate
'Taught' by the media, peers' experiences
Real or imagined, sex information fascinate
Served sordid and vulgar with gleeful eagerness

Make sex education as part of school curriculum?
What to teach, how to teach and who will teach?
Information and values, be parts of curriculum
Information given by experts; Values, parents teach

Teaching done at school, home, religious centres
Must be taught with candour to building trust
Genuine questions answered, knowledge centred
Entitle young to ignorance, comfort and to be modest

Teach boys' and girls' attitudes and sexual orientations
Teach moral, spiritual attitudes and responsibilities
Teach the consequences of sexual experimentations
Teach peer pressures, infatuations, love and realities

Teach consequences of pregnancies and abortions
Teach how painful mistakes affect later relationships
Teach sex as God's gifts for purpose of pro-creation
Teach sex, finest love expression in married relationships

Teach the effects and dangers of pornography
Teach women are not sex objects to lust after
Teach courtship isn't for testing sex compatibility
Teach parents to teach, as it is parenting matter


Topic: education


***** PLEASE NOTE: if anyone finds a poem which seems to be missing a line
, more OR less, please let me know. i had trouble yesterday, was tired, and
may have not taken care of a 'problem' i had while negotiating this huge
display, a display i think few view much of, but a display which helps keep me
off the streets at night and keep my mind active with thoughts other than
'bathing beauties' and ice cream, not necessarily in that order [but they could be! ].

one big problem is that our PC mouse is not high-tech enough to allow me to
scroll up and down in a hurry; it becomes somewhat labor/time intensive for me
when the showcase list of poems gets SO LONG. That's why just giving
links would be easier for ME, though not easier for you lazy bums............i
mean you dear sweet PoemHunter friends/members! ! !

Also, i got goofed up yesterday trying to simplify FOR YOU the process of
entering the complete link to a poem's page. i 'accidentally/inadvertently/'stupidly'
edited the instructions above the poem list here and gave the basic link to
PoemHunter, which is NOT ALLOWED IN A POEM. so, when i tried to submit my newly-
edited showcase [[ usually meaning i have added at least one poem and then am
resubmitting the 'showcase', which to PH appears as ONE POEM on my site ]] i got
a message from PH saying i had 'DISALLOWED CHARACTERS' in the showcase/poem. but
it did not occur to me right away that is was the PH link PH was referring to!

NOW LOOK WHAT I'VE DONE! ! ! i've made this showcase even LONGGGERRRRRR!


41 - Savita Tyagi (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/newbie-2/



World belongs to youth
Ticking of clock
Confirms change
New energy
New ideas
New problems
New solutions
What worked yesterday
Becomes obsolete today
Let support of seniors
Be like a strong tarmac
For new wings to fly
Let past enter gracefully
Like beach sand moving into ocean
Let us not become sand bags
For the roaring waves of tomorrow.

Topic: new

Bri's note: i like the title, but the topic listed and the title
do not give good clues of the poem's content. it is about society
changes, aging, 'new blood'/new generations and new technologies,
AND the poem is quite the point that some
readers may not understand too well what i think it is saying or
hinting at. i suggest reading the comments left on the poem's page.


42 - Wes Vogler (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/limerick-horrid-and-hairy/


Horrid And Hairy

Here's a look at an ugly old elf,
As he dwelt on a cranberry shelf.
He was horrid and hairy,
A beastly old fairy,
But amazingly pleased with himself.

Topics: fairytale, funny, people

Poet's note:
(does anyone remember Howard Cosell?)


43 - Darlene Walsh (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/golden-brew/


Golden Brew

Golden brew, every day I start with you
Golden brew, without you what would I do
Liquid gold, happy am I, with you no rue
Liquid life, strong am I, to myself am true

You lighten my day, you bring me cheer
And always do for those I hold dear
They need me now, I'll be right there
What do you mean it was yesterday dear

I'm always there
I'll bring good cheer
I'm reliable and care
But I'm not sure where

Other people come first
Once I quench my thirst
What ever you would durst
I never show my worst

I'll do every thing I can
If I can remember when
When you need me I'll be there then
Some even think I'm a comedian

I meant to do it
I'll get to it soon
I didn't mean to hurt you
Why do you cry

I don't have a problem
It's your fault, not mine
If you would all stop complaining
I'll be just fine
Darlene Walsh

Topic: father

Poet's Notes:
I don't know how alcoholics think, but after watching several,
including my dad, I wrote this


44 - Ruth Walters (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/being-oh-so-dead/


Being Oh So Dead.....

Since I died it's been fun
sitting on a moonbeam
watching the old earth spin,
feeling like a new pin,
dangling my legs down
listening to strange sounds
angels in the red lounge
playing their ol' swan songs
wanting me to hum too
learning all the same tunes
plucking a harp string
flying on my new wings
way up in the big sky
maybe I'll go higher,
frolic with the seraphims
looking down on earthlings
never feeling hungry,
never feeling lonely
good and warm and cosy
but oh, so dead.

Topic: fun

45 - John Westlake (borrowed)

partial link: /203-if-you-do-not-love-me/


203. If You Do Not Love Me

It matters not to me about what money you have
the size of your bank balance would not impress me
a mountain of coin would not keep me faithful
if you did not love me

It would not matter what gifts you would buy
presents can only show so much
a gold plated tanker would be no good to me
if you do not love me

It does not matter where you take me
even though I love to travel
a holiday in Jamaica would be meaningless
if you do not love me

A rich person is nothing special
I'd rather be with some one who cares
it's true that I would stay faithful
to someone who truly loves me

Topic: truth


46 - Susan Williams (borrowed)

Bri's note: this poet has messaged me to say she does not
want her poem in the showcase. very well!


47 - Elisabeth Anne Wingle (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/miss-little-lucy-lollipop/


Miss Little Lucy Lollipop

Little Lucy Lollipop
On one foot, she liked to hop.
The whole darn day,
She'd hop that way!
Dare I, try to, make her stop?

Topics: children, fun

Poet's Notes:
I've been writing a few children's poems. Little Lucy Lollipop is one of my characters

AMD LAST, BUT certainly NOT least:


48 - Richard Wlodarski (borrowed)

partial link: /poem/mother-591/



What is a mother?
Someone whose life
Gave birth
To a new soul

Someone whose heart
Pumped blood to life
Whose eyes opened fresh ideas...
The eyes of opportunity

What is a mother?
Someone whose true love
Breathed passion into
My very being

Someone whose tears of joy
Taught me how to laugh
And whose tears of sorrow
Taught me how to cry

What is a mother?
Leading to being
With humanity

Thank you Mom
For teaching me
To walk and talk
And negate hate

Thank you Mom for being there
When fear paralysed me
Holding my hand in safety
Everything is...OK

Topic: joy, laughter, love, mother, pain, suffering



dear readers [are there ANY out there? ? ? ]:

If i take poems for next time (September already, in a month!)
from MyPoemList, i plan to start from the end of the alphabetical
list of the poets in MyPoemList! !


Thank You! ....for stopping here to take a look.

Bri Edwards aka Brian Edward Whitaker 'in the real world'.


i'm waiting with bated breath! ! !

Putting together this showcase has been a bitch! ! ! pardon my 'French'!

PLEASE take the time to read the informational material I've put before the list of poems.

Bri ;)
Added August 7th: as I have now stated at the beginning of this showcase, I am replacing this 'original' showcase of over 40 poems, ALL ON ONE 'PAGE'.
Savita Tyagi 05 August 2017

Akhtarji's poem is very emotional. I didn't experience it personally (wasn't even born) but partition was a very painful chapter of Indian history and it still is for that earlier generation.

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Bri Edwards 01 August 2017

This showcase is mind-boggling! ! ! [i know it boggled MY mind at times while i was putting it together.] and besides THAT, it is FANTASTICAL! ! ! to MyPoemList it goes. Thanks so much BRI EDWARDS for allowing me to view and comment! ! ! signed, Anonymous :)

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Savita Tyagi 25 July 2017

Bharti's poem is beautiful. For yours I still have to get used to for this link tech. Thanks Bri!

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Bri Edwards 31 July 2017

Thanks, Savita. the link 'tech' is really not too difficult. afer all, even Bri can do it. but one MUST be VERY CAREFUL to be sure to copy or type the link, ..............................which i supply in THREE PARTS [because PH does not allow me to put a complete link into a poem].........................ACCURATELY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THANKS for the comment. :) bri :) p.s. her name is Bharati, not Bharti. :) :) and SHE also has had trouble with the 'link tech'! !

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Bri Edwards 20 July 2017

Beneath Bri's poem [#2] in the showcase list, it seems PH has changed Topics to To pic(s) . i might have done it myself if i'd thought of it! ! it IS kind of funny! bri :)

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success