Be Happy And Well Poem by gershon hepner

Be Happy And Well

Have posted like this:

Be Happy and Well

Be happy and well:
I think that it’s not,
impossible. Hell
is a place that's not hot,
but where you aren't happy,
expecting too much.
A girl and her chappie
should cling when they clutch
to thoughts that are happy,
while not ill at ease
about the potential
of life's possibilities
when they are sensual.

Inspired by a delightful poetess's delightful comment on my poem “In The Beginning”. She described it as one of my tour de forces, and one of my best poems, which led me to correct her French and chide her for insulting 4,700 of my other poems. She replied:

Hahaha! ! ! I KNEW that looked wrong, alas - I am exhausted and unthinking, evidently! Very funny mistake, I love it... Kind of like pronouncing 'monsieur' (forgive my spelling) as 'mahn-sewer', thinking oneself cosmopolitan! ! ! Far be it from me, to insult your other works - a stake through my heart, stat! I'm sorry - but you know what I meant. Off I go, again, too much time in front of the bright screen...Be happy and well; it is NOT an impossibility!

© 2007 Gershon Hepner 3/15/07

** ORIGINAL MESSAGE ********************
From: Esther Leclerc
To: Gershon Hepner
Date-Time: 3/15/2007 8: 10: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00)
Subject: Re: be happy and well
Dear Gershon,

The poem -! Wonderfullllll (don't correct the spelling!) , and so thank you very much! ! ! 'Tis true, I don't wish you to use my name in the footnotes. Thank you for remembering.

Perhaps you can post the poem using 'friend' instead? This is up to you; pity to restrain your poem from seeing further light. Again, if you do post, please don't use my name... I'm sorry but glad you understand.

Did I mention that the poem is delightful? ? !

Esther: ]

Be happy and well:
I think that it 's not,
impossible. Hell
is a place that's not hot,
but where you aren't happy,
expecting too much.
A girl and her chappie
should cling when they clutch
to thoughts that are happy,
while not ill at ease
about the potential
of life's possibilities
when they are sensual.

Inspired by a coment on my poem 'In The Beginning' by a friend who described it as one of my tour de forces, and one of my best poems, which led me to correct her French and chide her for insulting 4,700 of my other poems. She replied:

Hahaha! ! ! I KNEW that looked wrong, alas - I am exhausted and unthinking, evidently! Very funny mistake, I love it... Kind of like pronouncing 'monsieur' (forgive my spelling) as 'mahn-sewer', thinking oneself cosmopolitan! ! ! Moreover, Gershon, I lived in France for two years - never became fluent, busy learning the language of marriage at the time. Far be it from me to insult your other works - a stake through my heart, stat! I'm sorry - but you know what I meant. Off I go, again, too much time in front of the bright screen...Be happy and well; it is NOT an impossibility!


Gina Onyemaechi 16 March 2007

I'm grinning, Gershy, only is our Esther ok about you publicising this? That aside, how are things, Gershy? Love, Gina.

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