Being Black Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Being Black

I am black.
To have been labelled that.
And of it I am proud.
Be you white, yellow, purple or green.
Or any mixture of that in between.
It will still be the 'me',
I have grown to love and know.
Not for a moment to change that fact.
Or delude my mind from where it's at.
Fantasy trips,
I can not remember to have taken.

Racism to experience personal tours,
Through disrespect and disparities?
Looks of hatred delivered and received?
There is nothing anyone can say.
Or tell me about how to keep my pride.
Or how I am affected to feel inside.

Obstacles of negativity,
I have come to face on on a daily basis.
From people and places,
Judging me from head to toe.
As if to wish to throw a banana.
With wordless eyes,
Telling me where it is I should go.
Those who see me just to be black.
And no more than that.

Limited to ignorance.
And fun and games to entertain.
Is just a part of who it is I am.
But under the cover of the color,
I am much more diversified.
Not by choice but because I have to be.

And this to be labelled as black,
Has blessed my life to live it...
Unlimited like many,
Choosing to pass judgement.
With this done to expect,
Their isolated lives to live is envied.
How senseless is that?

Leaving this to be a reason.
And possibility...
Conflicts begin.
Division and confusion,
Has no end to them.
With the hope that those 'black',
Are kept reminded of the act.
As an accepted way of life...
Condoned and given approval!

Sunday, May 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: black african american,conflict,confusion,identity,life
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