Being Me Poem by Amy

Being Me

Rating: 2.9

I am a girl
Nothing more
Trying to tell the world
Not to close the door

I am a peace maker
Trying to help
Speaking openly to the people
Making hearts melt

I’m an overachiever
Trying to get good grades
I work as hard as I can
Keep promises made

I am a Christian
I go to church with my friend
I wish that my childhood
Would never end

I am a girl
I like to do what I can
I am me
I am who I am

Stacey Watts 16 September 2008

Being true to yourself is a wonderful thing. I wished we all could be so bold to take a stand for who we are.

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Alexandra Puddle 16 September 2008

such an awesome poem. i loved it. it is amazing how you can get everything you feel onto paper. well, the computer at least: P. i cant wait to read more

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Jason Taylor 18 September 2008

I am a Christian I go to church with my friend I wish that my childhood Would never end thats a really good few line not a lot of people will admit they go to church talking or in a poem. i like this poem its a naked poem if you no what i mean your saying who you are and what u do and its great well done a 9 from me keep writting

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Aijaz Asif 19 September 2008

a very nice poem with nice put rhymes...nice write keep writing

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Paul Butters 20 September 2008

A neatly written, honest poem. I just wish childhood never ended.

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Laura Arwen 18 March 2021

very simple poem. I like it

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Akram Saqib 02 July 2017

literature has no religion but alas you have eulogized it. any way feelings are excellently depicted

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Jack Price 18 April 2009

Just keep on writing your poetry Amy, I really like this poem and I am looking forward to reading more of your poems soon........

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Emancipation Planz 22 November 2008

.. and sweetest Amy.. I reckon I have also seen your hand prints on the moon... keep righting them, one peace at a time... aroha Deana xx

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Ron Flowers 03 November 2008

A very nice poem. It's so important to have the courage to honestly say who you are. After reading it, I would say you have every reason to be pleased with who you are. Ron

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