Bill Twomey Poem by Francis Duggan

Bill Twomey

Rating: 3.5

He transported milk by tractor for farmers to Millstreet Creamery
And he was fifty, I was still a boy
And a character in his own right Bill Twomey
Though unassuming and seemingly shy.

A barrel chested man with massive shoulders
And it was said that he was strong as two
And even in old age he looked quite powerful
One of the strongest men I ever knew.

I saw him lift a twenty gallon churn
out of horse drawn cart it was full to the brim
He did not grunt or blush red from the effort
The heavy weight did not seem much to him.

If he had one weakness he was fond of alcohol
And he often left the pub late in the night
But he was the same Bill Twomey drunk or sober
He never caused a scene or looked for fight.

I still have mental pictures of that fellow
Driving his tractor down through Minor Row
With trailer load of milk churns for the Creamery
Though that was many, many years ago.

I last laid eyes on Bill Twomey in Millstreet
On a sunday evening in Summer around ten
What year offhand I don't seem to remember
And he seemed happy with a few drinks in.

He was a character in his own quiet way
One of Duhallow's strongest in his time
And I was young and he was over fifty
And many, many years beyond his prime.

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