Black In The Eyes Of The White Poem by Missie Milligan

Black In The Eyes Of The White

Rating: 4.6

Black is considered the opposite of white......
White is considered the compliment of black

Black is “bad”… while white is “good”......
White is “right” and black is “wrong”

See a black cloud…. A storm is looming......
Images in heaven include white fluffy clouds

Colors of the rainbow do not include black......
Mix all colors of light and the result is white

Artists use black when creating gloomy images......
Artists use white when creating pleasing images

Black, the color of night…perceived the evil shade......
White, the color of daytime…exposes the truth

Evil always lurks in the black shadows......
Wicked spirits are scared away by white light

Bible metaphors…“blackest darkness” as hell (Jude 1: 13) ......
Go into the light…this light of eternity is white

Christians use black to portray the color of sin......
Forgiveness washes your sins as “white as snow”

The bad sheep are always the “black sheep”......
The white sheep are counted to fall asleep

Black is used to terrify you in horror movies......
White is the color of the “good” knight’s horse

Black Magic…knowledge of evil rituals and spells......
White Magic…knowledge of various love spells

Halloween…witches in black, vampires, black cats......
White Christmas… angels in white top the trees

Being “b lack balled”…you are cut off from a lot.....
Our nation’s capital is named “The White House”

No one wants a “black mark” on their record.....
Everyone wants a clean, white slate to start from

What do you wear to a funeral? …Black......
What does a virgin wear to get married? …White

Death is represented by the black grim reaper......
The Holy Spirit is represented by a white dove

Many say they aren’t prejudice…
Most say they don’t discriminate…
Nearly all are unaware of their bias.

But the inequity is everywhere;
it’s in our cultures and even our speech.
Society can only change this injustice
if our human nature is suppressed.
But reprogramming human behavior…
you’d think that would take an act of God!

(Created in 2006 - Original work by Melissa Milligan...a white girl)

Dee Daffodil 25 February 2009

Thought provoking piece Melissa! Well done! Hugs, Dee

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Michael Neguse 16 May 2009

Hi Melissa I like your poem and all it's comparsions, but I hope you're not racist. I know your a white woman and it is good to express yourself, because you see I am a black man and I serve my country in the Military in U.S. Army. We should express our thoughts only if you don't offend anyone, because America is a melting pot of all colors, shapes, beliefs and it started from our ancester who fought the freedom from the British and all who are against freedom. I like the content of the poem, but the intent is a question mark for me. Keep up your expression, but remember noone deserves prejudice, we're equal under Gods eyes no matter what color we are. Remember MLK it is not the color of your skin, but the Content of your character and your actions, vocies, gestures etc.Love poem

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Aiswarya. T.anish 03 April 2009

I don't agree that black is a bad colour. Every colour has its own beauty......we can only see the twinkling stars and the moon because of a black will be always beautiful. All colours are made by God an e should try to apreciate the beauty of every colour, everything in this world...but this is an impressive poem

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Noel Horlanda 25 February 2009

This is the truth and I've no argument to go against the work. It is plainly racism but as for now this is a thing of the past. Black is now in the white house and nobody can do something about it. Anyway I like it, keep up the good literary work.

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Michael P. Johnson 25 February 2009

Thank God, each heart to Him is an open book...Continue valued scribe...In Jesus' love Michael

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 25 February 2009

I hear ya/ young lady...and i like this piece fine...especially your employment of couplet stanzaic structure...The poece glides mellifluously throughout...But as far as these 2 non-colours...This White Guy will always show preference to Black over White, especially when it comes to my own writings, i am a darkside contemporary scribe! lol! Also, and with all due respect for your chosen theme...What you state in your work, above, is given fact...However, too often(IMO) it is mis-used, as an excuse to generate re-verse prejudice, which i am sure you will agree, does exist, and is no more or less offensive than first-pass bigotry....You have obvious literary talent, Melissa. Keep that pen pumping! Fj R 2009

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