But For The Grace Of God! ! Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

But For The Grace Of God! !

Rating: 5.0

Suspiciously she stands and stares
at every passing strangers face.
She is convinced that no one cares,
the world to her a hostile place.

She has no place to call her own,
nowhere to rest her weary head.
She has to face the world alone
and each new day she views with dread.

She was brave enough to defy
the marriage plans her parents had.
To wed her to an older guy
a man much older than her dad.

Now outcast from her family.
she does not know who she can trust.
Though she’s determined to be free,
not subject to an old mans lust..

If she is lucky she will find
place of safety she can stay
with other girls of her own kind.
For freedom there’s a price to pay.

Although in truth there should not be.
Custom and practice still prevail
in Asian society.
I tell an all too frequent tale.

Although some do integrate
There has to a be a few of course
who cannot appreciate
they must obey this country’s laws.

Forced marriages amount to rape.
A blatant form of child abuse.
A fate from which some do escape
if they are brave enough to choose.

To leave behind the life they’ve known.
Its not an easy thing to do
and face the future on their own
For freedom their entitled to.

Support themselves as best they can.
They sell big Issue Magazine
and are dependent on no man.
Perhaps you pass them by unseen.

Consider this, it might have been
a choice which you were forced to make.
So buy a copy don’t be mean
and smile at her for pity’s sake.

You will not miss a pound or two.
Your smile makes all the difference.
The smile that she receives from you
is better than indifference.

She’s not a beggar seeking alms.
Although some people take that view.
The very sight of her alarms
the prejudiced uncaring few.

But for Gods grace it could be you.
By circumstances driven to
desperate measure just to live.
So lighten up and gladly give.


http: // Blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

C T Heart 09 October 2008

Lighten me up in your last verse...brought hope in the last stage, great narrative piece Ivor...10+.

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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