Can A Dream Turn Into Reality? Poem by Adrienne Clark Strachn

Can A Dream Turn Into Reality?

that is what i was doing
but i didn't relieze it.
I had so much money
pocketbook wouldn't close
money to burn
stores calling my name
no need to budget
no bills to pay
Everyone handing me things
lots of credit cards
I kept saying 'thank you'
yes, I'll take that one too,
I was the honorary shopper
just like that!
everything that i could get my hand on
belonged to me
if i woke up
everything would be gone.
everything would dissappear
Everything in the store was waiting for me
everyone smiled at me
take my pick
shoes, pocketbooks, clothes,
so many things to choose
so little time
Bells were ringing
just like in Atlantic City
I got that rush
I was winning
the feeling was good.
I could get use to this
finaly, i I came upon a gold mine
Was I filty rich?
Did i win the lotto
Was i still dreaming?
I saw a big white house
big fluffy pillows were on my bed
pretty white linen everywhere
i just could not understand,
why everything was white in this dream?
someone is at the door,
a man's voice
children voices
all sounding urgent
am i dreaming
is it over
please don't let it end
these people i'm hearing
they're disturbing my dream
too much peace came from this dream
peace like this is not allowed
it has to be planned
again, noises were appearing out of nowhere
i touched my face
to see if i was breathing
i even covered my head with the blanket
didn't want to open my eyes
a push, a nod,
someone in the bed with me
someone tickling my feet
someone saying,
Get up,
Get up,
phone ringing in the background
one hand grabs it
Are you going to pay your car note today?
then i heard,
why are you sleeping so long,
we are hungry, mommie
Are you taking off today,
did you wash my shirt
Now wasn't that some a dream
turned into reality?

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