Can Anyone Live Sans Hunger? Poem by Ramesh T A

Can Anyone Live Sans Hunger?

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If one loves to live in Nature, that one is suitable to live ever in paradise sure;
Plants and herbivorous animals are children of Nature that love peace and contention;
But man is superior due to his mind, heart and spirit that works at higher level;
For survival in the world all need energy to live and sustain long to do all!

Plants directly get energy from Sun the central supplier of energy to all;
Herbivorous animals take leaves and grass and get energy of Sun so;
Other carnivorous animals get energy by eating flesh of other animals;
Like bear, man gets energy from the food he eats made of vegetables and flesh!

As long as energy level is okay, all living beings are sans hunger and do all works;
But to be so, all have to take food in time to overcome hunger and maintain energy;
But if all living beings by evolution develops to be like plants, can survive not taking food;
Only if so, man too can survive long exploring in Space to know all secrets one day!

Conquering hunger is the first task of all living beings in the world since they have come in Earth;
That's why they are not able to make a move to any other planet or stars in the Universe!

If all living beings by evolution develops to be like plants, can survive not taking food; Only if so, man too can survive long exploring in Space to know all secrets one day!
Ramesh T A 03 July 2023

Conquering hunger is the first task of all living beings in the world since they have come in Earth; That's why they are not able to make a move to any other planet or stars in the Universe!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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