Childhood Beliefs Poem by Jim Yerman

Childhood Beliefs

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It's funny, when we're young, the tales our minds will weave…the different things we're sure are true…the stories we believe.

How many thoughts, though unproven, are dancing in our heads…
For instance I believed my blanket kept me protected from the monsters that lived beneath my bed.

I believed if I swallowed a watermelon seed…it would grow inside me and I'd blow up like a balloon.
I believed a toad could give me warts and that a man lived inside the moon.

I believed my wishes rode on the dandelion seeds I blew into the air.
I believed, if many of my cartoons were correct, there was quicksand everywhere.

But as we grow the things we thought we knew as children have a tendency to change
or through knowledge and experience…at least to rearrange…

That is why I still make wishes on dandelion seeds and blow them into the air…but I now know when I take a walk I won't find quicksand everywhere.

That is why I have no problem picking up toads…why I know there's no man living inside the moon…but why I still shy away from watermelon seeds…(still not quite sure about that balloon!) .

And that is why when I go to sleep I still pull the blanket up over my head…only now I know the monsters I need protected from…do not live beneath my bed.

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