Closing Time (For Leonard Cohen) Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Closing Time (For Leonard Cohen)

Rating: 5.0

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall shed such tears
Not of profound sorrow
But of exalted joy
For the oneness of your poetry
For the wisdom of your words
Written and spoken from your heart

For your sights unseen
For your songs unheard
For your tastes untraveled

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall dream such dreams
Where Jesus takes me down to The River
And Suzanne and you are weeping with joy
As the Sisters of Mercy take our hands
And join us in Circle of Eternal Life
And Jesus celebrates your return to Home

For your sights unseen
For your songs unheard
For your tastes untraveled

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall dream of the astral
I shall travel to realms unknown
We will meet on Boogie Street
And Dance Me To The End of Time
At the Chelsea Hotel The Partisan
Will show me the Heart With No Companion

For your sights unseen
For your songs unheard
For your tastes untraveled

Tonight as I lay
Myself to troubled sleep
I shall cry of such lie
I will dwell on They Locked Up A Man
And Wishing For The Miracle
Meditate on The Law
And say Hey That's No Way To Say Goodbye
At Closing Time knowing Ain't No Cure For Love

Saturday, November 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: death,loss,music,peace
Edward Kofi Louis 15 December 2019

Songs unheard! ! Sights unseen; Closing time! Musing, With the muse of poetry. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Richard Wlodarski 15 December 2019

With the muse of music! Thx, Edward!

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Practicing Poetess 15 December 2019

This was lovely, Richard. Sounds as though you are quite a fan of Cohen. And, I detect a bit of songwriter in you, too, from your poem! : -)

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Sylvia Frances Chan 17 February 2020

When I heard about his death through radio news, I became very sad. Such news about some one we love, always comes shocking, his mujsic has a certain beauty, non-comparable. Loveliest worded is this poem, Richard, A greatest loss, a most beautiful song about a genius, devoted composer and a gifted singer. May Leonard R.I.P.

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Tom Allport 15 January 2020

A wonderful write for an artist who inspired you to write such a fantastic tribute.....well penned.

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Kevin Patrick 20 December 2019

Although his music has left me cold, his words were a banquet that enriched the mind, a Titan of not just Canadian literature, but human spirit. As has been pointed out clever use of putting all his titles within the work, I did something similar with the Beatles awhile back, but I think yours was fittingly ingenuous. Fantastic tribute, his legacy is now open for all hours.

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Gajanan Mishra 17 December 2019

Circle of eternal life, beautiful.

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Richard Wlodarski 18 December 2019

Indeed, circle of eternal life! Gajanan, thank you for believing the poem to be beautiful.

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Michael Walker 16 December 2019

You incorporate many of Leonard Cohen's best song titles in this dazzling poem. Sadly, it has been closing time for the artist Leonard Cohen for some time now. He lives on in his songs and poems.

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Richard Wlodarski 18 December 2019

Michael, I could think of no better way to pay tribute than to incorporate so many of his song titles. If I had included more, the poem would have been too long. He will definitely live on in his songs and poems! And let's not forget his novels! Thanks for believing the poem to be dazzling.

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