Coffee For My Men And Tea For My Horses Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Coffee For My Men And Tea For My Horses

Free form pain I didn't catch it when you did.
Coming when yours does from where it goes.
To reach the highest point where your placed upon.
A crown of thorns around your brow the cactus saw.
Reading the report that defiantly never said.
You appreciated all the medicine.
Do we specialize as to where and where is there.
Does it not happen was the moon to full to spread.
Or hiding there beneath simply the spectacle.
People looking through the window just to see.
Dissatisfaction with the G.O.P.
Go forth and testify and everlasting is the key.
Go forth and test the waters arid testing,
test your destiny of our destinies lost somewhere out there.
How sweet the sound from your thin lips and mercy dear.
Is not fellatio a new form of abuse?
Tied to a tree the calf got half way loose?
While receiving more abuse then any man could ever handle.
You did just fine and fine you do it more.
But you do and it is never lacking find your hidden joy.
[God] when life was given- It was never given is a truth.
Whose truth is just and that's the truth now you come back.
Because as for the people drinking Tea of that Governor Perry.
Of the latter day today not poured forth from yesterday.
But when tomorrow comes you say is not Bible Beater.
Hearing it once said,
Coffee for my Men and Tea for my Horses.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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