Confessions Of The Pope Poem by Brian Mayo

Confessions Of The Pope

From the Desk of Pope Francis

To whom it may concern:

I understand many Catholics are shocked and outraged by my recent revelation.
Yes, it's true- -when I was a young priest back in Argentina, I reached into an open casket and pried the rosary from a fellow priest's cold, lifeless hand. Listen, I know that sounds bad, but in my defense, I only had to use a LITTLE force; it's not like he had it in a death-grip, or anything.

Look, I'm a human being, no different than you. I put on my robe one sleeve at a time- -just like everyone else (unless I'm in a hurry) . It's important that folks don't put me on a pedestal. I want to be seen as a regular Joe. You didn't see Jesus going around acting all high and mighty and dammit, I won't either!

Okay, stealing the rosary was bad, I'll admit, but Hell, I've done a lot worse. I've swiped all sorts of stuff: jewel-encrusted chalices, candlesticks- -I've even stolen a few cars!

Man, it feels good to get this off my chest! I probably should've confessed all this to someone YEARS ago! Let's see… what else? Oh yeah- -I pushed an old lady down and snatched her purse two days after completing Divinity School. Don't be alarmed! She wasn't hurt. And I barely got away with enough for a six-pack of Michelob and a tin of cigarettes. A pretty measly haul, I think you'll agree!

Things improved for me a bit later. I realized I could sew enormous, hidden pockets inside my frock, enabling me to pilfer just about anything I wanted. I once used this method to conceal ten cassette tapes, a bong, and a rolled-up poster of Jimi Hendrix- -I strolled right out of Spencer's Gifts- -no one noticed a damn thing!

Look, I don't have to steal anymore- -I finally have enough. Please don't worry about any of the Vatican treasures by which I find myself surrounded. I'm not even tempted… Besides, half this stuff could go missing tomorrow and I doubt any one would even notice…

Pope Francis
(for life, chumps)

Monday, February 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
This is a work of fiction. It was inspired by the Pope's revelation he had removed a rosary from a casket. The Pope did NOT write this memorandum. It was written by me in a dubious effort to be funny, while simultaneously humanizing the man. I mean, he is just a man, right?
Bri Edwards 28 July 2017

hilarious again! is Francis still in office? now this goes into August 2017's showcase on my site. will i be excommunicated for doing so? ? oh, yeah, i forgot. i've never been Catholic. bri :) Thanks did he REALLY swipe a rosary? how about the mugging? we'll never knooooooowww.

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Bri Edwards 14 August 2016

i had small laughs in a few (2?) places, but a big laugh near the end of Souren's comment. btw, the latest rumor is that he is in fact a woman in drag! wonder of wonders. and to be sure of my use of in drag, i checked Google and it can mean a man dressed as woman or vice versa. bri ;) to MyPoemList

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 02 March 2016

Woah ho ho funny fun to read. A pilfering pope makes for fine fun fictional bantering of popes. Had me giggling. Pls do review my latest poem too.

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Mike Smith 01 March 2016

Very funny and it reminds us that although impeccable under Catholic law, he is in fact simply a man. Reminds me a bit of the one I wrote about Trump a few days ago. Humorous and artfully done. Thanks for sharing Brian

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Mike Smith 01 March 2016

I believe the word I was searching for in the first sentence is 'infallible' instead of impeccable. Changes the meaning a bit

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Kelly Kurt 22 February 2016

Just a man. Would be nice if he sold the Vatican collections to museums and gave the money to the needy

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Rod Mendieta 08 August 2017

Oh but now it's all Robin Hood in reverse: stealing from the poor and giving to the rich!

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Brian Mayo

Brian Mayo

Grand Rapids Michigan
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