Constitutional Repression Poem by Dr. Yogesh Sharma

Constitutional Repression

Thou have repressed me, thou has repressed me,
No more, black pages,
Those have repressed us like withered leaves,
For almost sixty years, merit and poor;
Difficult even to breathe.

Cruel Book, I want to disown thou,
Praying thou to die before I had time——
Emotionless-heavy, a load full of borrowing,
Ghastly acts with no good one,
Big as thou writer's statue.

And a head in the pious Ganga,
Where it showers blessings on the devotees,
In the holy waters descend from divine Gangotri,
I pray to respect my merit,
That was denied to me.

In Bihar, in Tamilnadu or anywhere;
Of caste wars, wars, wars,
But the name of the hate is common,
Multiculturalism and social justice;
The words most obscene.

Game of hate everywhere,
So never know where your
Roots and foot are uprooted,
The tongue jailed in the jaw,
Struck in an insult noose.

No right to express the pain,
Quotas, quotas,
Chewing me like slaughtering goat,
Began to talk like a goat,
Scared, I might be slaughtered.

The ideas of Delhi, the writing on the wall;
Are very clear and biased,
With my learned ancestors and my bizarre luck,
And my merit and my merit,
I may be a bit of goat.

Always scared of the writings,
With biased laws and draconian vies,
Not by a holy book,
But a book black and regressive;
This is democratic fascism.

The boot in the facade, the beast
Monster quotas to crush all voices,
You sit on the chair like a boss,
A crack in your jaw instead of your foot
But no less a demon, no less the black man.

Cut my cute pink heart in two,
I was a child when they killed me,
At twenty they almost killed me,
And could not get anything,
I thought even the bones would be crushed.

Secularism is communalism
And communalism is secularism,
Fair is foul and foul is fair,
Caste is socialism and socialism is caste;
There merit is curse.

But I was thrown into the fire,
And jammed me together with wire,
And then don't know what to do.
I was made a clown by naves,
A book in black with a dangerous look.

I want to live, I want to live;
But this cruel nation is pushing me off the root,
No fine voices going to pay attention through,
The parasites are sucking my blood,
The cruel book is arming the suckers.

There's a snake in your writings
And the nation never liked it,
Ignorant are dancing and stamping on merit,
They always knew, they were ignorant,
But no respite I'm through.

Sunday, June 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: racism
N.B.: This poem is a bitter satire on the caste and communal, reservation and quotas in India in the name of secularism and social justice. This is a kind of racism envisaged in the constitution on India and validated by the judiciary. Due to this provision meritorious persons are denied their right and they are oppressed by the people of quota castes and religions.
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