Creating Our Own Medicine Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Creating Our Own Medicine

Silenced by the wind outside making itself heard, treating this
mind to a trip down memory lane where everything was so simple,
easy and loved.

Why does it have to go away as we grow and mature in life, why
can't it stay with us as a salve, a balm, to help us through life's
casualties in the future.

There'd be much less need for tears and heartache I believe, for
the balm would sooth us in all aspects of difficulties if we could
but see it.

We can create our own medicines within to help overcome whatever
happens to us, our minds are so attuned to what goes on with us

Thinking of ways to better our lives is needed for we know best
what we need, learning to love unconditionally, forgiving others
in order to help ourselves.

Never holding a grudge for it only damages us in the end and
does no good, practicing a life of peace and serenity, increasing
our interior lives, seeing how much more peaceful life will be.

Soon it will spread to people you meet and get to know, soon you
will see positive results as others follow your example, replicat-
ing what it is you're showing others, no words ever needed.

Just doing what's possible through your soul's spirituality, that
may bring the entire world together in peace and harmony one day
and root out evil forever.

Monday, September 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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