Darling, Charles Varenagh Aznavour Is No Longer With Us Poem by Hebert Logerie

Darling, Charles Varenagh Aznavour Is No Longer With Us

My dad loved a lot, Charles Aznavour, the legendary French singer.
He used to listen to his songs when he was drinking with his friends.
Aznavour was for us, the quintessential prince of love,
Who possessed great talents and an exquisite style.

In the cradle, it was his voice that enticed me to sleep,
It was his songs that plunged me into a deep sea,
Where I dreamed and wetted the white drape that the sun,
Later, would dry with its rays of gold and myrrh.

I've loved the great Charles Aznavour throughout my life.
Growing up, I was told that he came to sing in Haiti.
He was so racist that he had performed behind the curtains.

For a long time, I used to give him the finger and ignore him.
I was disappointed to hear that poor, dirty and filthy word.
After so many reflections, as I am a Christian and very generous,
I prayed for him to change, because no one is without flaws.

Charles Aznavour is no longer here to sing and to defend himself.
I decided, despite everything, to take my black pen to honor it.
We must forgive the fools who insult his fans, friends and allies.
Charles Aznavour played a role in the masterpiece that I'm trying to sell
And to share with friends and strangers. Aznavourian is no longer with us,
Like my father, other relatives and other friends. The dead are wrong.
They cannot defend themselves. But the words of this singer with the voice
Of gold and diamond will vibrate for centuries. Shahnour is no longer with us.

Copyright © 1st. October 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Monday, October 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: homage,tribute
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