Did I Really Do This? Poem by Ryan Monroe

Did I Really Do This?

ive waited it out before,
and it ends very badly.
i waited it out,
to see if her feelings would fade at the least,
they only grew.
she absolutly loved me.
she fell hard and fast.
she fell for me.
she fell in love with me.
i broke her heart,
i was her price charming,
but she wasnt my beauty.
i did not feel the same as she did.
she kept trying,
i kept pushing her away,
she came back,
she kept trying,
to make her fairy tale love,
that dream come true,
a reality,
a reality that she could hold,
i denied it,
i pushed it away,
i had to make it stop,
to do so i ripped her heart out,
i smashed it,
into a thousand bits,
into a thousand peices,
she shed a thousand tears,
i see now,
that i threw it away,
i destroyed that one thing,
the one thing that was mine,
that was ours,
not only did i destroy love,
i destroyed friendship,
i ended it,
i hate myself,
i let it happen,
i slaughtered,
a best friend,
the best that i could ever,
ask for,
beg for,
ever want,
ever need,
ever love.

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