Disappointment Poem by Gary Witt


Rating: 5.0

Blue clouds bend toward a red sun that hangs
In the air like shoes from a telephone line.
Crimson dawn has crept in with the smell of hay
And the silence of sleeping crickets, as light
Meanders across the rafters of a tree-lined road.
There is wine hidden in this soil; truffles
Growing beneath these trees; and regret, polished,
Gleaming, parked out back, behind the garage.
The air is August-tired, Sunday-morning still;
It clings to backs and brows until they perspire,
Until they surrender to humid, high-strung hope,
To silo prayers, round, grouped, graded, and weighed—
That will turn to cumulonimbus despair:
The green squall line that ends in pelting hail.

John Lyday 24 December 2009

Astonishing imagery and meaning. Well worth the multiples readings I gave it in order to sink in. August tired... you really coined a phrase with that one. When you become famous I am sure it will catch on. Good one Gary.

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Scarlett Treat 04 September 2009

August tired, Sunday morning still...that feeling of impending....something...is just wonderful. The air is laden with...something...that will soon be here, which makes the ending squall line...just perfect!

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Sue Ann Simar 26 August 2009

You may find disappointment and regret here, but there is also a sense of anticipation-perhaps I connote stillness with waiting? - . At first I found some of the verb tenses jarring, particularly meandered, but reading through several times, I'm not sure how I'd change them. . Very tight, controlled poem, ending on that squall line.

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Robart Frocheart 25 August 2009

I really like this Mr Witt. I worried at first about the 'regret'being all 'polished, gleaming, parked out back behind the garage' I found myself wanting to put it in the garage or at least put a tarp over it...because it takes a lot of work to get it looking like that. Then I realized that if regret gets all dented and dinged up from the hail...what is damaged regret anyway? .....Then I wondered if 'regret' were a motorcycle ride I didn't get to take because of the storm.......woah.......and if the storm is a metaphor for death? anyway....nice trip sir........thanks see ya down the road sjc

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Tsira Goge 21 August 2009

... silo prayers, that ends in pelting hail. ........................................ As irony of fate... 10... Very good... Best wishes, Tsira

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