'Do We Really Understand' Poem by Linda Winchell

'Do We Really Understand'

Do we really understand, what it is to be alive?
or are we just all trying, in our own way to survive?
Or maybe just taking up earth's space?
In this continuum, of time and place?

Are we just breathing in, earths clean fresh air?
that was meant, for all of God's children to share?
Are we really doing what we were made to do?
Or are we just taking up a place, or two?

Have we all reached out to the needy?
Have we all helped a person(s) , in distress?
Are we doing what God made us for?
Are YOU doing all your best?

Or are we just sitting around, with a helpless feeling?
and wondering, what's it all about?
When all one really needs to be doing
is just a friendly hand of kindness reaching out!

Take a real good look inside yourself!
Asking the questions, that were posed above!
And then if you feel your really doing God's work
then God sends His greetings, and all His Love!

Tia Maria 05 December 2008

hmmm... makes one think. It's not so hard to just reach out, if that's all we do, is it enough? Very nice write Linda - 10 my friend :)

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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