Don'T Knock The Man On The Tractor Poem by norman hale

Don'T Knock The Man On The Tractor

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Don't knock the man on the tractor
For he has many jobs to do
From plowing the ground
To growing things that feed me and you

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Because he might be in your way
He may be planting his crops
Or even out putting up his hay

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Though he may slow you down
He's putting food on your table
That is raised from his ground

Don't knock the man on the tractor
He's just making a living too
His hours are much longer
Than some political old fool

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Because he loves his farming job
Don't act like you're any better
We all started from the same sod

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Because he may be a bit old fashioned
Just be sure to think of him
The next time you stand in line for your rations

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Thou you may make a bit more money
His crops go around the world
Coming from the land of milk and honey

Don't knock the man on the tractor
Because your ideas are a better way
That money or ideas won't mean nothing
Once we reach our final judgement day

Dave Walker 17 July 2013

A great poem. Like it, a great write.

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