Dubai Poem by Luke Easter


Rating: 5.0

</>One would think gas prices would be less and not more,
Who saved Saudi Arabia from Saddam in the Gulf War?
The United States Military since they had no armed force,
We’re paying the same 45 cents they are, but of course.

Talk about the ultimate knife wound in the heart, not back,
No way in hell could they or anyone stop Hussein’s attack,
American Army, Air Force, Navy and my favorite U.S.M.C.,
None of their own suffered wounds, never did they bleed.

Currently four dollars at the pump and very soon to be five,
Think any male member of the royal family would still be alive?
Uday & Qusay would be having a field day in lovely Dubai,
Every queen and princess tortured, not as submissive wives.

Then there are the beauties that are under consenting age,
Like those in Iraq as Uday was famous for his raping rage,
No more country clubs, golf tournaments, par to be saved,
Imagine x-millionaire elitists employed at minimum wage.

I know there are other oil wells and refineries here and there,
However, with the threat of deadly violence a genuine scare?
How about the crude deeply tucked under the Alaskan preserve?
Ecology, animal rights over mankind, now that’s a lot of nerve.

The record profits by companies like Exxon, Mobile and Shell,
Not overseas but what about our own money making oil wells?
The president of one of these three makes a million dollars a day,
For the rest of 2008 they all should be forced to give gas away.

Yes, these are the signs of the times, wars and rumors of war,
America stopped one at the Saudi’s front, not their back door,
An entire nation these United States military troops did save,
And record high gas prices in our country are how we’re paid?

That one was the Gulf War and this is called Desert Storm,
A favorite media phrase of Iraq is to call the area “war torn, ”
We’re fighting & dying in a land that’s 1,000’s of miles away,
Safely the oil giant is richly sitting pretty just like yesterday.

Yeah, after saving their necks with none of their necks on the line,
Things for the Saudi's are peachy keen, everything is just fine,
I's seen before & after pictures of what is now known as Dubai,
Thanks to outrageous gas prices for those who saved their lives.

Marieta Maglas 24 September 2009

Very interesting poem..thank you for sharing..............10

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Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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