Every Darkness Has A Light Poem by Katherine Sessor

Every Darkness Has A Light

Rating: 3.1

Every darkness has a light
It shines so bright
If you just open your eyes
And forget all the lies

When you feel so alone
And you just want to go home
Just remember that someone is always there
When you need someone to care

If you fall
And think you lost it all
There is always someone catching you
And in your heart you know it's true

There is always someone there
To relieve all the misery you bare
They'll help you through this
And make it all bliss

When you're lost and can't be found
Just open your eyes and look around
Even if you don't know what to do
There is always someone who will find you

When you're shivering with fear
And you have to shed a tear
Someone is always there for you to lean on
We'll make all your troubles begone

When you want to die
To this world you want to say goodbye
And use the knife
To end your life

Just remember before you do
Your friends will always be there for you
You haven't yet lost the fight
Because there is still light

All we ask for
Is don't close the door
We are still here
Cause we have nothing to fear

Open your eyes
And realize
You have nothing left to bare
Cause we, your friends still care

Tulsi Hanumanthu 20 December 2008

It's amazing that a teenager can write like this! You've reminded us all, in your own unique way that 'every cloud has a silver lining'. My blessings along with full marks from me.

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James Foulk 06 May 2008

a very touching piece of poetry. and well written.

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Rani Turton 16 April 2008

A message of hope and caring which warms the heart.

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