~fall From Heaven~ Poem by Soulful One

~fall From Heaven~

your voice washes over me
leaving my skin tingling
with the live current that exists
between us
leaving goose flesh
in its wake...bringing to mind
the unphathomable designs that
have left you so far from home
yet, have brought you
so close to my heart
closing my eyes to the darkness of doubt
that mar the beauty of sunrise
in your eyez and
the contentment of
midnight dreamscapes in your arms
i feel the warmth of hope
suffuse and envelop me
in a intimate embrace
that i imagine to be your soul
reaching out to caress me
drawing me into your vulnerability
beyond the taunts of failure
and lingering hurt
where betrayal once stood
trust is ever anxious to reside
where lies once echoed throughout my being
truth spoken in love strains at the bit
to drown out the din of deceit
as i too unclothe my soul
and nakedly bare my fears before you
impatiently wanting
instant and complete reassurance
rather than patiently encouraging
wise counsel to ease
impetuous desires
i struggle to dare to dream again
or have faith
that my prayers have come true
that a precious angel
would dare foresake heaven
for one moments bliss, with me
and plunge from the heights of heaven's gate
to fall from grace
gently tempered and ultimately broken
by the loving arms with which
i will catch you as you
fall from heaven

Eyelizabeth Unknown 07 January 2012

u pierce into me dannnnng it

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