Final Victory Is Decisive One! Poem by Ramesh T A

Final Victory Is Decisive One!

Rating: 5.0

What a pleasure it gives, when many praise one's efforts;
Efforts bring their own credit to one, even if lucky fails;
Failures at one or two times won't be hindrance to victory;
Victory coming later when one is mature, is complete success!

Success at the final stage is very important in one's life;
Life is, that is why, bitter sweet with sweetness at the end;
End game decides the real victorious one appreciated by all;
All of a sudden luck may bring victory, but it is unreliable!

Unreliable name and fame of many disappear into thin air soon;
Soon deserving one will sweep away all opposition in one stroke;
Stroke of a player's bat brings victory at the last ball in cricket;
Cricket like chivalrous competition inspires many in all fields!

Fields of games, arts and technologies are open to show one's might;
Might of talent despite bad luck too brings one to top finally sure!

Saturday, March 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: victory
Dr Dillip K Swain 30 March 2019

So brilliantly penned my friend! A motivational piece of work....10

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Ramesh T A 30 March 2019

Yes, it is a motivational one! Thanks for your praise of composition, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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