Folly [from 'naaladiyaar' In Tamil Language] Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Folly [from 'naaladiyaar' In Tamil Language]

331. Lies in wait the mighty God of Death to catch
the souls! People caught in the web of life
act proudly in this world, as the turtle sinks
and plays in water heating on the hearth.

332. If you want to take on deeds of virtue
after doing duties to the family,
it is like waiting to bathe in the calm sea
with little waves lapping on the shore.

333. Clan, penance, learning, family and ripeness
One may have all, but the useful, faultless
and anciently great nature of the great men,
it is like pure white rice without ghee.

334. Though the rocks don't know our words
and the meanings, they help those approach them
to stand, sit, lie and walk on them.They're better
than the low-born of no use.

335. As the fool has attained unattainable
something, he scowls at the unwitting.
It seems his tongue cankering itch won't cease
if he hurls not abusive words on others.

336. O, Chief of the coast with bursting flowers
and shoots of Punnai! Those who impose their cult
on people rigid will have a bad link
as those trying to pinch the stone lose their hands.

337. Though the ants can't get in a pot with ghee,
They don't leave but go round and round the pot.
Though the rich man is a miser the people
from far and near crowd around him.

338. The stupids don't reach the council of the good;
don't act with virtues and don't give to the poor;
don't live in joy with wife sweet and seek not fame
in life, hate their lifetime themselves.

339. When you praise in surprise a man who has no
virtues good, if he dares to disdain the praise,
the friendship made with him will not be fruitful
e'en if the world bound with the roaring sea, yours.

340. Great learning, amazing looks and noble birth
of one will surpass when others praise them.
If one adores oneself, scoffing friends will be
more to scorn him as untreatable mad.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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