For Love To Live...! Poem by Ramesh T A

For Love To Live...!

Due to various cultural interference in the society,
Natural love has no chance to be practised by anyone;
Love and peace are vital for human development to
Put an end to animal nature behind human nature...!

Instead of developing human nature to divine nature,
Only animal nature is developed to fight each other
To win for each one's culture as animals do in the
Forest, where might is right instead of right is might!

Human development lies in the mid point between animal
And divine natures within humans needing tolerance and
Patience to be practised to attain the stage of love
To play main part in human life in the world of anarchy!

Human culture is colourless state that has imbibed within
All best things of all cultures for humans to follow it
By best thoughts, best talks and best performances in all
To enhance the quality of human life for love to live here!

Kumarmani Mahakul 04 May 2019

Having cultural diversity and social diversity we have our identity in unity. Love and peace we behold and lead. A nice poem is excellently penned.

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Ramesh T A 04 May 2019

thank you for your cultural diversity along with love and peace for cherishing in life reading my poem, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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