Forgiveness Poem by Randy McClave


Remember to forgive with a joyous heart
Then let a new beginning start,
Remember the past is in your rear view mirror
And our judgment, every day is getting nearer.
Remember to forgive those who have done you wrong
Be cheerful, and always stay spiritually strong,
And unto those who had done that unjust to you
Forgive them, as Jesus would want you to.
Do not worry in sadness and do not ever fret
Don't let their wrongs cause you to worry or regret,
Be happy when at night you fall peacefully to sleep
Be joyful at night when you do not weep.
Do not live in the sadness and the pain that they gave
Unto worries or guilt be not ever a slave,
Be joyful and happy in this one life that you live
And always smile, and then always forgive.
So, before you ever turn your back or say, "No! "
Hate and revenge are the seeds that the Devil enjoys to sow,
Remember mistakes and errs happens to all that are living
And someday, you might be the one asking for a forgiving.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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