Go Ahead - Can I Cast More Light? Poem by Mark Heathcote

Go Ahead - Can I Cast More Light?

My heart it's been bankrupt for many days,
Many months to the point I've lost count
And yet now I lean on faith and not hope
sometimes more on one than the other.

But between these two, I pivotal swing
Pitying my life and questioning daily
Why, why do I continue to loot my soul
Of its future treasure, why do I yo-yo?

Feeling worthy and good: and the next
An empty vessel making nonsense noises
Anxiety is a constant companion,
It is a serpent coiling around my torso.

Crushing my heart, poisoning my dignity
I have felt penniless inside but a hunger
Converses with the shadows around me
And I say, go ahead - can I cast more light?

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