Have I Become The Consciousness Objector Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Have I Become The Consciousness Objector

Through those gates, I have walked both way's
Going in my ass so tight that my ass cheeks cramped
A thin sliver of fence was but the difference
between the world out there and the next
The pain is very real
if the attention of the man if you were caught.

Trying to be a diplomat, secretly playing one side against
The other, the way that the administration play's the
White's against the Black's, Sun Tzu then said.
Here where I was, death row is, it's called Raiford across the
Street is F.S.P. where they are legally allowed to kill you.

Here where the screaming never stop's, it's a contest of
Credibility and it's in the moment of the now where
The truth is at first found out, there are no cat walk's here
And in your mind
It is only as light as it is out side of your cold concret cell.

Out side in the free world
The sodomites bang down our door's to get in
Here where the bible can't save you
Here where no diplomat's could survive, I have opposed only me
I have in here renounced that which I was and now as they
Come in my cell and get me, I am the cross on the gurny and it
Is quite when the needle goes in, fighting off sleep I slip in
Over my head it is then that the light's have all gone dark.

Monday, January 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: green
James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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