Her Jocund Reactions! Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Her Jocund Reactions!

A svelte sylph of the basin of the Square Hills,
All my heart with scintillating smiles fills.
Swift footed rabbit she is everywhere;
Swirl around I often to see her face fair.
She sits in front and flees to hide away.
To steal a glance of a few seconds, no way.
Her absence wreaks deep fissures in my heart
and fills me full, a sea ofgrief does start.
In bathing me with her smiles, she has no peer!
And in makingmemad, she doesn't shed a tear.
Judicious she is while doing a work
but on seeingme, sits up with a jerk.
A lively smile fails not to slide on her lips
and blink she her eyes with calm secret quips.
Gloom and gleam alternate in a mortals life!
Gloom now engulfs me! May gleam not leave her life!

Saturday, February 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
S. Subramanya Pillai 02 February 2020

It is the destiny to face joy and sorrow alternately as winter is followed by the spring. But the poet wishes that joy/gleam shouldn't be replaced by sorrow in his love's life. She is interested to make him mad but he has no hatred for her. That's why he is inspired by a Muse.

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Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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