'Holding Back' Poem by Kevin Wang

'Holding Back'

these tears itself may explain itself
yet there's a deeper meaning within it you'd probably wouldn't understand
even sometimes i wouldn't understand myself

these days are just so weird
just wanna cry out
make myself disappear
yet for some reason i'm still holding back

nothing wanting to say
those infamous '...'
that brings the irritated thought upon myself
like that prowling tiger hungry for a snack

sometimes wanting to talk back
say things behind their back
burn those people
yet the part still haven't come out
just holding in the cell itself

days seems hard
yet i'm not doing much myself
feeling helpless across that road
as i said
these tears explains itself
yet there's always more to say

just disappear
cover them in the black silhouette
end this magic act with final ping
that final shot
but its too much
too many
just take this thought and burn it away

Feeling these things, these emotions
make me feel worn out
like a paper erased too many times
but still feeling sorry for you
cuz i wish i can make you feel better
be happy, smile like always
and forever end this with a bell tolling
like when i first met you

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