How Much Is Enough Poem by Gary Diamond

How Much Is Enough

How much is too soon?
How much is enough?
When do we have to slaughter the jobs
And get back to the basics
And begin a failing cycle

Who will be the leaders then?
Hopefully not ones raping us all with the taxes.
These taxes -

You work, you get paid.
Then you are taxed to sustain those that do not work
Then you are taxed to pay for public services you never used.

You take the remainder food shopping.
Then you are taxed when you buy even a lettuce
Then don't forget the duty on the spirits and cigarettes you might buy.

You put even less of that pay cheque into fuel.
Then you are taxed around double.
Without tax you'd get twice the amount of driving time.

Perhaps we don't want to pay for schools
Where the test scores increase as the standards decrease
Where the bullies fail these tests yet
Go on to live better lives than the truly bright and brilliant.

Perhaps we never called the fire department
And even if our house was to catch on fire
The money we'd save in taxes
Would have allowed us to buy it all again anymore
More so if the things we bought were also tax exempt.

As I see it.
The more rules the more laughable the concept of a free country.
Everything costs money
Money causes taxes.

How much is enough?
How little is little enough to eke out a mundane existance?
Why are we paying the money counters so much
To do a job we could do ourselves?

And the thing with laziness is this.
Having all the loose ends tied up just gives us more chances to
Worry and stress.
Having more free time gives us more time
To worry about having more free time.

This is why drug abuse is so rampant.
This is why suicide rates increase like a landslide.
This is why people live to be older and more dissatisfied.
This is why a society that preaches 'one fits all'
Is slowly killing every one.

How much is enough?
How far is too far?
What the hell was the point
Of being born at all.

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