I Am On My Way! Poem by James Darwin Smith II

I Am On My Way!

Soul of mine
Trapped, out of place.
Trying to adapt
As these eyes
Gaze upon the sky
Pondering, wondering
Where do I truly reside?
As the void within
Looms, as these thoughts
Run rampant!
Upon the true dwellings
Of what I am within

Flesh seems to weigh it all down.
Surrounded by chaos.
People going every direction.
Driving, riding, walking sometimes flying
And here I am.
Feeling so far from everything

But deal with it I do.
This imagination takes me away.
As I envision all the beauty in things
Cherishing everything that I can
Welcoming magical splendors
Into my heart's consent
As these dreams
Share each beat!
In the rhythm of love itself
As one
In unified glory
Washing away the tears
Of every self-imposed burden
That has ever been in my way.

I will never be anything special.
Then again why should I care?
As nature herself
Gives me her love unconditionally.
Only caring for who I am all from within

Things are tough.
Out in the open
Maybe I feel shut.
But that will never stop me from dreaming.

My soul is my teacher.
Growing endlessly and all
Preparing me for each evolution
Of my own free will

This soul of mine
At this very moment
Might still feel trapped.
But someday it will erupt.
And bring golden endeavors.
To a future of better
Much brighter wellbeing

Someday, I will overcome.
And be who I should have always been.
A traveler going everywhere.
This muse takes me.
Fearless and mending to completion.

I am on my way!

Saturday, January 23, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life,life,outcast
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