I'd Still Instantaneously Die. Poem by Nikhil Parekh

I'd Still Instantaneously Die.

If she said that she would tie the nuptial thread with me after some years; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear the inexorably demonic tyranny of having to
endlessly wait; for the immortally ultimate love of my life,
And even if she said that she wanted to perennially bond every of her breath with mine; I'd still instantaneously die; as the thunderbolt of untamed exhilaration; reached to the ultimate crescendo in every conceivable pore of my body.

If she said that she thought unceasingly ill about me; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear the venomously jilted attitude of a girl towards me; whom I infact loved the most on this fathomlessly enchanting planet,
And even if she said that she solely longed for nothing else on this earth but my masculine caress; I'd still instantaneously die; as the volcano of fanatic desire in every ingredient of my blood; would fanatically explode.

If she said that she wanted to date an infinite men right under my snaring nose; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear the dying beats of my venomously dying
soul; which had nothing else but her princely image timelessly embedded,
And even if she said that she truly and profoundly admired my unflinchingly peerless bravado; I'd still instantaneously die; as the Sun of the most ultimate praise in my life; charred me to my inevitably destined corpse.

If she said that she wanted to inexhaustibly use me only for my money; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear her salaciously parasitic brain; her persona
which I'd once upon a time considered the most priceless reflection of the Omnipotent Lord,
And even if she said that she hadn't seen another organism as poignantly artistic as me; I'd still instantaneously die; unstoppably ignited within the countless fervent lines of servitude that I'd sketched to depict her incomparably unbridled beauty.

If she said that she'd always wanted to torturously slave me till the ultimate graveyards of sadism; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear the despicable
wickedness of her brain; which I'd once upon a time considered at the most epitomizing cradle of creation in this entire Universe,
And even if she said that she interminably adored my unconquerably royal virility; I'd still instantaneously die; limitlessly erupting into the most vociferous expression of unfettered ecstasy; towards the highest peak of the impregnable sky.

If she said that she wanted to satanically crucify me right infront of the entire world; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear the diseased words that wafted from her mouth; those sacrosanct lips which I incessantly worshipped all sweltering day and sensuous night,
And even if she said that I was her most truthful harbinger on this unassailable planet; I'd still instantaneously die; as every conceivable bone of mine dissolved into nothingness; whilst living up to the fire of extremely immortalizing righteousness.

If she said that I was the last person on this earth who ever struck her mind; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear her prejudiced pompousness; whilst I
considered even the most infinitesimal line on her resplendent palms; as my irrefutable destiny,
And even if she said that I was redolently altruistic humanitarian on this unceasing globe; I'd still instantaneously die; as I renounced even the last ounce of breath from my lungs; to eternally live up to her benign proclamations about my impoverished soul.

If she said that I was the most cowardly living being on planet earth; I'd nstantaneously die; unable to bear her wanton sniggering; inspite of me invincibly
safeguarding her against the most pugnaciously terrorizing of devil; at her every step,
And even if she said that I was the ultimate messiah of the Omnipresent Lord on this astoundingly proliferating Universe; I'd still instantaneously die; in trying to prove to her that I fearlessly sacrificed my life; so that every other fraternity of living
kind could triumphantly survive.

If she said that she wanted to unstoppably suck blood from my veins everytime she felt hungry and emaciated; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear her heartlessly cold-blooded deliriousness; specially when every of her breath was the ultimate signature of my penuriously diminutive life,
And even if she said that I was the most beautifully replenished organism on earth; I'd still instantaneously die; spuriously bloating in her praise; till the tallest apogees of infinite infinity.

If she said that she had always loved someone else since her very first cry; I'd instantaneously die; unable to bear her devilish infidelity; after I'd taken birth an infinite times; just to be an integral impression of every of her queenly footstep,
And even if she said that I was immortally throbbing in every of her passionately pristine heartbeat; I'd still instantaneously die; out of sheer exhaustion; endlessly triggered by her complete acceptance of my originally uninhibited form.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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